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  • Kárpátia

    Palócok → превод на енглески

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The chill water of a rapid brook is washing the feet of mountains
And the crown of trees nearly scrape against the blue sky
Freshly whitewashed1tiny houses with wooden porches are hiding
Where the winding road comes to an end
This wonderful land is inhabited by a cunning group of people
Both young and the old are working outside on the fields
There are beautiful girls and beautiful women here but you better be careful!
Here, you can still spot witches flying by on broomsticks!2
The palócs3are good people
If you're looking for trouble, they'll hit you on the head
But they'll drink up the words of a true friend
Like the wine produced in Mátra4
If there's trouble, they'll act as one
If there's no trouble, they're having fun
Even God has wondered at one point
How did he create so many rascals5
Hej-hej hopp!6
Good palócs!
Hej-hej hopp!
The good palócs!
I'm a palóc lad, I turn tables upside down!7
And I'm a palóc lass, I'm caressing others with a meat mallet!8
Every palóc lad is brave, they're not scared of their own shadow!
Every palóc lass is humble, they spout fire from their throat!
Here, people still go to church on Sundays
Where the priests preach eagerly during mass9
They learn that they're only a tad bit better than the devil
And that one day, there'll be a reckoning in front of the creator
They go home, they bake and cook, the plates are heavy
The smell of potato pancakes10makes you salivate
The world envies the way the palócs can live
Only God understands their cunning mind
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