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    שיר עבודה → превод на енглески

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Work Song

I need to wake up already
not to be late for the bus
and to work, go out to the street
people standing in the station
and one is pushed forward first
and to work, i don't have time to think
the ticket taker says "Forward"
everyone squeezes further inside
and a new day starts
partially cloudy with rain, like normal.
I arrive late
and the boss stands with an open mouth
and to work, he yells at me
i disappear between all the papers
search for my future in the drawers
and work, i don't have a moment of leisure
and sometimes when i don't have any desire left to work
i fall down helplessly outside the business
and so a small bird
whispers in my ear don't give up.
At five the office is locked up
and i return home crumpled
from my work, to the refrigerator
get into bed but don't sleep
my neighbor is playing Chopin
it's work, he is teaching piano
it's difficult to know what a day will bring forth1
but i'm in favor of waking up with it
and not saying "I give up"
because a new day always comes tomorrow
  • 1. lit: to give birth
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שיר עבודה

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