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  • The Ray Conniff Singers

    Todos aman a alguien → превод на енглески

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Todos aman a alguien

Algo hay en nuestros corazones,
que nos da deseos de querer
Todos han de amar a alguien con todo su ser (su ser)
Todos pueden ser enamorados,
que de pronto sienten ansiedad
De saber que al fin lo ansiado se hizo verdad
Todos buscan lo hermoso,
del amor que brinda la felicidad
Dulce instante milagroso,
de un sueño de repente realidad
Todos aman siempre a ese alguien
que a su vida le da la ilusión
Para ti, mi amor, ese alguien quisiera ser yo
Tú sabes, todos aman siempre a ese alguien
que a su vida le da la ilusión
Para ti, mi amor, ese alguien quisiera ser yo
(Todos pueden siempre estar enamorados)

Everyone Loves Someone

There is something in our hearts,
that gives us desires to love
Everyone must love someone with all their being (their being)
Everyone can be lovers,
that suddenly feel anxiety
At knowing that finally the desired thing became true
Everyone looks for the beauty,
of love that happiness brings
Sweet miraculous instant,
of a dream that suddenly becomes true
Everyone always loves that someone
that gives their life the illusion
For you, my love, I wish that that someone was me
You know, everyone always loves that someone
that gives their life the illusion
For you, my love, I wish that that someone was me
(Everyone can always be in love)