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  • Kent

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What Two Ears Can Handle

Tablets on the bedside table, heavy eyelids
She can not wake up yet
Porn films, photographs thin like dreams
Ashtrays and pots and empty glasses wait
to be emptied and filled again
Dusty windows and Venetian blind patterns on the floor
Hello... hello again
Answer me please answer is there someone here?
Hello... are you still here?
If you dare to murmur I will scream louder
than two ears can handle
Marks on the floor and cracks in the tiles
She can not wake up yet
Naked in three week old sheets thin like dreams
The screen of the TV and the potted plant wait
to be emptied and filled once again
She sleeps, she waits to be emptied and filled again
Hello... hello again
Answer me please answer is there someone here?
Hello... are you still here?
If you dare to murmur I will do something worse
than what two eyes can handle
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