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  • IZ*ONE

    With*One → превод на енглески

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I couldn't sleep that night
Cuz the memories of those moments keep coming
Precious pieces inside a clear memory
Every night I hurt you even more
I'm rue with all my heart that I didn't tell you
In this endless moment
You make me a better
Even though we can't fill the lost time (You)
I’m waiting for you
Rely on me
Forget about the past times
Rely on me
Times are changing
Come to me
I will always be waiting for you so smile
Let's see each other
Like those twinkling stars
You make me better
As a smell that improves mood
You make me better
Words that I lovingly want to say
I will always protect you
Let's rely on each other
Let's make an eternal promise
I will say that I will always be on your side
While I'm waiting
I'm thinking about you again
Now is come
Spring breeze (oh)
I will protect you more than the pain I hurt you (ha)
Wonderful memories of us will bloom with flowers.
Like our shy meeting
You make me better
Words that I have kept in myself for a long time (You)
I'll tell you now
Rely on me
Forget about the past times
Rely on me
Times are changing
Come to me
I will always be waiting for you so smile
Let's see each other
Like those twinkling stars
You make me better
As a smell that improves mood
You make me better
Words that I lovingly want to say
I will always protect you
Let's rely on each other
I remember, I will remember only you
I remember, I'll be just for you, baby
Slowly take my hand.
I will always remember
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