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Mood color is blue

Mood color is blue
Mood color is blue
She ran away from ridiculous vanity
No more shyness when darkness comes
Passion - passion rules her
Sound is louder, let's go
Mood color is blue
Martini is inside
Bikini is in hands
Listening to "Blue frost"
She feels herself a goddess
Mood color is blue
Martini is inside
Bikini is in hands
Listening to "Blue frost"
She feels herself a goddess
Night's influence is very hard to predict
Body shivers and you want to run
"Yeah, yeah", she's a star now
All prejudices are trash
Mood color is blue
Martini is inside
Bikini is in hands
Listening to "Blue frost"
She feels herself a goddess
Mood color is blue
Martini is inside
Bikini is in hands
Listening to "Blue frost"
She feels herself a goddess

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