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Alarm Calls

Every day,
Alarm calls,
I will rise,
Until I fall,
Even if,
The sun don't shine,
I will rise,
'till I die.
And you,
You don't need drugs,
Cos all we need,
Is a little love,
And you,
Just need yourself,
Yeah you don't need,
Nothing else.

Budilica zove

Svaki dan,
Budilica zove,
Ustat ću,
Dok ne padnem,
Čak ako,
Sunce ne sija,
Ja ću ustati,
Dok ne umrem.
A ti,
Ti ne trebaš opijate,
Jer sve što trebamo,
Malo je ljubavi,
A ti,
Ti samo trebaš sebe,
Ništa više.
Vänligen hjälp till att översätta "Alarm Calls"
Kimberley Michelle Barr: Topp 3
   Tis, 27/07/2021 - 17:35

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