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Stay as you are

You just rolled into life
It was different than before
I knew you for a lot of years
You didn't like me, it seemed
Stay as I know you now
I love you as you are
Just like you are
Stay yourself, don't change
Just be yourself, please
Just as you are
In all those time you lived through so much
Despite that you remained loyal
You're my friend, my life long
What would I be without you?
Stay as I know you now
I love you as you are
Just like you are
Stay yourself, don't change
Just be yourself, please
Just as you are
You have so much to learn from
Go ahead, teach me, I love you
I have so much to learn from you
Go ahead, teach me, I love you
Stay as I know you now
I love you as you are
Just like you are
Stay yourself, don't change
Just be yourself, please
Just as you are

Blijf zoals je bent

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