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  • Slavik Pogosov

    Ты Беда Моя → översättning till engelska

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You're My Happy Misfortune

You're my happy misfortune. I'm pouring wine for everyone.
A toast! One sip for love! One for happiness! And one for you!
You're my destiny. You'll never leave me.
Another toast! Uh, I forgot what I was saying. 1
Today I'll be drunk to the hilt,
not from pain, but from your loving eyes.
Without even trying, your eyes surrender to me
and make everything possible.
You have to believe me when I say she's so sweet.
She looks at me seductively.
And whenever I do her wrong, I immediately give her a hug.
I'll hold her against my chest. I hold her in my heart.
I met her casually, just by chance.
It hurt, oh how it hurt. But it was cool.
It's always cool when she's near.
It's so cool whenever she's near.
And still, without even trying,
I calmly started down this road long ago.
And I know it won't turn out well 2 .
We won't stay connected like this forever 2 .
You stood there at the bar, my girl - so wild.
Nothing can compare to your beauty.
And whenever life becomes too much for me to handle, 3
I let it all go 4 , knowing that you're my love.
And you will always be my love. Not believing what you hear about me.
Today, we're a family living one dream.
Look how happy we are, how good everything is for us.
But today I'll be drunk to the hilt, just because you're perfect for me.
I met her casually, just by chance.
It hurt, oh how it hurt. But it was cool.
It's always cool when she's near.
It's so cool whenever she's near.
And still, without even trying,
I calmly started down this road long ago.
And I know it won't turn out well.
We won't stay connected like this forever.
  • 1. The meanings went nowhere.
  • 2. a. b. implied: "...if I don't straighten out my ways."
  • 3. lit: "The hustle and bussle of life swirls around me"
  • 4. lit: "I don't pay attention"

Ты Беда Моя

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Idioms from "Ты Беда Моя"
BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 18:00

Ты беда моя, наливаю всем вина -- you are my trouble, I pour wine
Same issue with reversal who does what:
Но не от боли - от любви к глазам. -- not loving glances, but: love for your eyes
Глазам твоим невольно подчинюсь
Ну и пусть, ну и пусть.
Поверьте, братья, она так мила;
Угрюмо смотрит на меня, когда -- she isn't looking endearingly...
Когда обижу, сразу обниму, -- when I offend her...I will give a hug right away
К сердцу прижму, к сердцу прижму. -- hold her to my heart

No more time, but you should check it along the same lines.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Ons, 26/06/2019 - 19:30

Thanks. Could you please explain why he's drinking so much? I don't understand why he's getting drunk. That would help in the translation. Thank you.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 20:42

Sorry, I don't get the vibe he is specifically getting drunk. And I never heard of: Сегодня в хламе буду...
They are in the bar toasting and "getting toasted" - that expression I've heard.
It sounds to me like today, there is a wedding or engagement party, and then, later, he looks back (but not drinking) and says It was cool to be together, but his feelings calmed, and it is possible they will part.

PinchusPinchus    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 21:26

Точно. "Сегодня в хламе буду..." - это не по-русски, впрочем, как и много других оборотов.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 21:38

Ну что вы, ребята. Песня написана для тех, кто понимает. А кто не понимает - тем в хлам дорога.
Только подправить текс нужно, чтобы всё правильно было:
Я в ней «невольно» встретил и «спокойно»;
[А] «Больно» было больно, но прикольно.
С ней прикольно рядом быть!
Прикольно рядом быть.
Уже невольно,
Себя веду давно спокойно -
[Иначе,] Знаю, будет недовольна [она; ну, если я себя спокойно не буду вести]
И [тогда] порвётся наша нить, наша нить.

PinchusPinchus    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 21:42

Отлично, пришел тот, кто понимает!
А я зато узнал выражение "drunk as a skunk". Бедный скунс, за что его так? Он же трезв как стеклышко.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 22:09

Не смогла удежаться, дико извиняюсь, но очень уж прикольно там у него сказано.
А "drink like a fish" слышали? Беспредел, пора писать кляузу в Общество Охраны Животных :)

PinchusPinchus    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 22:21

Да, это слышал. Рыба сама виновата, а скунс-то чем провинился? Я вот тоже думаю, не написать ли в Спортлото жалобу на такие песенки.

vevvevvevvev    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:06

Под жалобой тоже подписываюсь :)

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 19:32

Drunk as a skunk, just a rhyme. It just means "very drunk". We have some other common sayings for "very drunk."

I'm shit-faced (drunk).
I'm three sheets to the wind.
I'm snockered.
I'm drunk off my ass.

...just to name a few.

PinchusPinchus    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 19:55

В трех парусах по ветру? Меня несет по ветру как трехпарусную лодку?
Круто! Надо запомнить.

SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 20:00
PinchusPinchus    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 20:15

Но их же 3, а не сколько попало. Сообразим один парус на троих?

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 20:38

It's a really strange saying, even for English. It's an old saying that has never died with time, probably because we Americans (and the Brits) have stayed consistently drunk throughout the ages. LOL.
I don't know where this saying comes from, but I assume it's from a time before washing and drying machines, when women hung up sheets to dry on a line. I'm guessing, some drunk man would walk through the hanging sheets, not seeing them, and three sheets would go flying into the wind, because some drunk asshole walked through her laundry. That's my best guess, but it's only a guess. The saying is from a time long before I was born.

LizzzardLizzzard    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 20:13

Там исторически имеется ввиду состояние, когда тросы контролирующие паруса ослабли или оборвались.. и команда не контролирует корабль, который ветром кидает из стороны в сторону.
при этом есть градация..
one sheets to the wind - это типа еще бодрячком
и чем больше тросов рвется, тем меньше контроля над парусами - тем пьянее матрос.. встречала аж до four sheets to the wind XD

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 20:42

I like your explanation. Maybe it is an old sailor term. I wouldn't know, I was never a pirate. LOL. But, it still doesn't make much sense to associate this with being drunk. I can see how being "three sheets to the wind" could be some OLD sailing terminology, but I still don't see how it's "drunk".

LizzzardLizzzard    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 21:04

This is really an old maritime terminology. XD
For this, I like translations of songs - you can learn a lot of new things just by trying to understand one new phrase.

If three sheets are loose and blowing about in the wind then the sails will flap and the boat will lurch about like a drunken sailor.

LizzzardLizzzard    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 21:19

He drinks because he is young and likes to drink in bars) Moreover, now he has a special reason - he is in love, so he drinks and tells his drinking companions about his love. And since he loves her very much, he drinks more then usual. One sip for love, one for happiness, and one for you... sounds like toasts)

PinchusPinchus    Ons, 26/06/2019 - 21:00

Who is Slavik Pogosov, where you've found him, Phil? Your encyclopaedic research commands the great respect.
It's very bad russian and very bad poetry. Don't search the sense.
Russian (or armenian) drink when they feel good or bad, doesn't matter.
"Нет повода не выпить".

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 19:35

I am just responding to a translation request. LOL. But, if you want to know how I search in Russian, I just start typing Cyrillic letters and let spell-correct go crazy on it. LOL.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 01:28

Well thanks for all that. I have to change this a lot. From the American perspective, I had no idea why he was "drinking to the garbage can". LOL. Now that I know he's just "toasting" to his love, it makes much more sense. I'll try to fix this when I figure it out. Maybe someone else can do a better job at this poem, and I'll just delete this. It was so strange to me. Sorry, I got it all wrong, but in my defense, it seemed weird to me. But, I did get a lot of it wrong, as usual. One day I'll better understand the Russian way, and this won't be so hard for me. For now, it's just another blunder. Whoops!

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:11

Phil, you didn’t get it wrong, it is just to hard to get it right right, even for natives as you can see :)

And for natives:
«в хлам» - также как в зюзю, в дугу, в стельку, в дребезг, в жопу, и дальше по тексту - очень распространённое выражение(я). Им(и) не брезгуют рокеры, джокеры, покеры, и другие продвинутые слои населения, а простолюдины просто говорят «[напился,] козёл»

PinchusPinchus    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:15

поправочка: вдребезги. Кстати, сто лет не слышал, умирает выраженьице.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:18

У меня с русским языком всегда проблемы были - я буквы люблю пропускать ;) с первого класса ЦПШ

PinchusPinchus    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:27

За такие шутки в словах бывают промежутки.

vevvevvevvev    Tor, 27/06/2019 - 02:22

Длинные слова народ начинают расстраивать :)

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Tor, 27/06/2019 - 19:37

So maybe the best translation of "drunk to the trash" should be "drunk off my ass" ?