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  • Gönül Yazar

    Dönemez ki Bana → översättning till engelska

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He/She doesn't come back to me

İ wish he/she came back to me one day,exhausted and the regretful
İ kneel down and cry,to my gratitute prayers
The sin of the lover which is the easiest forgiveness
The curse of the anyone don't stay in anyone
İf only he/she said "i came" to me,if only he/she give life to me
He/she can't give me the days that pass
My everythings has changed,i have been hurt and come to an end
İ'm not how i used to be,even though he/she saw,he/she can't know

Dönemez ki Bana

Låttexter ( turkiska)

Gönül Yazar: Topp 3
TeSTaMeNTTeSTaMeNT    Fre, 17/09/2021 - 00:37

I think Gönül Yazar isn't lesbian, so it certainly refers to a 'heterosexual male' (He/him) : ) hahah

   Lör, 18/09/2021 - 02:14

Gönül Yazar is just a singer. It is not known for whom the lyrics of this song were written.

TeSTaMeNTTeSTaMeNT    Sön, 19/09/2021 - 00:32

Um okay, but instead of he/she, you ought to use they/them if the referred person or people are not known. It's really absurd and frustrating arguing on such illogical situation. Can't bear people anymore, do what you want to, I won't intervene.

   Sön, 19/09/2021 - 05:00

1- When I say "it is not known for whom this song was written", I mean whether these lyrics were written for a man or a woman. Therefore, the word "they" cannot be used.
2- You are the one who started the discussion that you said "It is really absurd and frustrating to discuss such an illogical situation".
3- Never add comments in this case "Can't bear people anymore".

Don JuanDon Juan
   Sön, 19/09/2021 - 14:43

Allow me to chime? I agree with Deniz here. As you don't know to whom the artist is singing, best thing would be using either 'they' or 'you' - which would make more sense to an English speaker than using 'he/she'. If she were a lesbian or if we had strong evidence this was written for a girl, then 'she' would fit. Of course, you could also use something like 'my loved one', 'the one I love', etc.

Also, in English there's no 'İ' (use 'I'), and that pronoun is always capitalized. You'd may want to update your translation accordingly.