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  • Italian Folk

    Ecco Maggio → översättning till engelska

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Ecco Maggio

Ecco Maggio, quel bel mese,
Che rallegra tutti i cuori,
Fa fiorir tutti gli alberi,
Ecco Maggio dai bei fiori.
Siam’ venuti a cantar Maggio
Alle vostre case belle.
Spunta il sol’ coll’ alto raggio,
Siam’ venuti a cantar Maggio!

Here is May

Here is May, the month of beauties,
that elates the hearts of ours,
it makes bloom all trees and bushes,
here is May with lovely flowers.
We have come to sing of maying
to your fine and stately houses.
From azure skies the sun is raying,
and we've come to sing of maying!