Explicit Content

Please label content as "Explicit" in compliance with the guidelines below. Content that must be marked as explicit include, but are not limited to content that includes:


Lyrics that contain or artist pics that depicts using, buying, selling, and finding drugs in a graphic and detailed way must be marked explicit. Nuances, subtle references, general statements, and education against drugs are exempt. For instance, "Let's get high" is not graphic or detailed enough to be marked explicit.

Inflammatory Lyrics

Lyrics that contain racial epithets or slurs must be marked explicit. If the majority of a song's lyrics constitute hate speech, it will be removed.


Lyrics or artist pics that contain any use of profanity must be marked explicit. Profanity is defined as offensive curse words.

Sexual References/Depictions

Lyrics that describe sexual acts in a detailed way must be marked explicit. Nuances, subtle references, and general statements are exempt. For example, "making love" is not detailed enough to be marked explicit. Artist pics that depicts graphic sex acts will be removed (please see the content policy for more details), but other sexual content must be marked explicit.


Lyrics or artist pics that encourage or depict graphic and detailed violence against people or animals must be marked explicit.