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  • Đorđe Balašević

    Galicia → översättning till engelska

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Pred zoru je sa njine strane obično muk
pod velom magle zvecka osmi kozački puk
i svu noć mi inje kamuflira šinjel
uz polegli brest
U inat ću i ovo pismo poslati
znam, ime i adresa nisu poznati
dok tikvan-poštar ne skonta
ko to čeka sa fronta, kakvu dobru vest
I tek da znaš, ovo na slici je
naoko pitomi pejzaž Galicije
al' mira ni čas, sve živo pali na nas
fotograf jedini metkove špara
Oberst kao lud olovo rasipa
fotograf jedva katkad okine sa nasipa
na nadošloj Visli se soldati stisli
i svima su nam pomisli, daleko
U sumrak je sa njine strane obično žal
zatuži Ađinokaja k'o ranjeni ždral
al' postane krotka kad drmne je votka
onako na belo
Pod mojom šapkom lavovi se baškare
u snu mi pleteš beli šal za maškare
sva se pobrka pređa kad te obgrlim s' leđa
kao violončelo
I tek da znaš, mesec u žici je
zvone na večernje zvona Galicije
i neka mi to ne uzme nebo za zlo
al' ti si jedino čemu se molim
Brinuću već ja, nemoj ti brinuti
ma, da sam 'teo, već sam sto put mog'o ginuti
dok otiće Visla, natraške, van smisla
i kreću jata pokisla, daleko


In the view of damn their side is silent.
8. brigade is jingling, hidden under fog.
And whole night long hoar is covering my overcoat
Beside the elm.
For spite, I am gonna send one more letter.
I know, name and address aren't known
Till the stupid postman realize
Who is waiting for a good news from war.
Just know, this photo shows
Lovely landscape of the Galicia.
But we have no peace nor a second, everybody shoots on us,
Only the photographer is skimping the bullets.
Captain is spilling plumb (bullets) like madman.
Photographer on the bank fires off and on.
Soldiers are crouched everywhere around Wisla
And all our minds are far away.
In the view of twilight their side is sorrowed.
Adinokaya (Russian type of harmonic) is sad like wounded crane,
So then it becomes calmed when vodka take the controll over it,
Lions are joying under my cap.
I see you knitting the white shawl in my dream.
And all the yarn got addled when I hugged you from the backside
Like a cello.
Just know, the moon is full.
Galician nightbells are ringing.
Heaven, don't see it as an evil,
But she is the only thing that I am praying for.
I will care, don't you worry.
If I have wanted, I would already have been died hundred times
While the Wisla was flowing
And while wet clusters was flying to far away.
Đorđe Balašević: Topp 3