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  • Ignaz Franz

    Gud, vår Gud, vi lovar dig → översättning till engelska

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Gud, vår Gud, vi lovar dig

Gud, vår Gud, vi lovar dig,
vi bekänner dig, o Herre,
dig som är till evig tid
tillber ändlighetens släkten.
Hela jorden, hav och land,
ärar, Fader vår, ditt namn.
Kerubim och serafim,
änglar, makter sjunger evigt,
ropar utan rast till dig:
Helig är du, helig, helig,
himlar, jord och allt som du är
lovar, Gud, ditt majestät.
Skyn av vittnen lovar dig:
trons profeter och apostlar,
himlaskaran klädd i vitt
ur bedrövelsen förlossad.
Dig bekänner fröjdefullt
kyrkan hela jorden runt.
Dig, vår Fader, stor i nåd,
ofattbar i makt och ära,
och din sanne, ende Son,
tillbedd intill jordens ändar,
och din Ande, Hjälparen,
sänd till oss från himmelen.
Jesus, Kristus, ärans kung,
evigt född av Faderns vilja -
att försona all vår skuld
blev du mänska, född av kvinna,
skydde ej det moderliv
jungfrun gav till borg åt dig.
Du förstörde dödens gadd,
upplät riket för de dina.
Gud har givit dig all makt,
platsen på sin högra sida.
En gång vid din återkomst
skall du döma alla folk.
Hjälp då dina tjänare,
dem du återlöst med smärta,
giv åt dem bland helgonen
evig härlighet och ära.
Led ditt folk, välsigna det,
upphöj det i evighet.
Vi välsignar dig, vår Gud,
varje dag du oss bereder,
ropar högt ditt namn i ljus
genom alla evigheter.
Skydda oss av nåd idag
från att bryta mot din lag.
Gud vår Gud, förbarma dig.
Din barmhärtighet må komma,
frälsa oss till evig tid
ifrån all vår nöd och vånda.
Du är själv vårt fasta hopp.
Amen, Herre Jesus, kom.

God, our God, we promise you

God, our God, we promise you
We confess to you, o Lord
You who are eternal
Worshipping the non-eternal families
The whole world, sea and land,
Honors your name, our Father
Cherubim and Serafim
Angels, powers sing eternally
Shouting to you without stopping:
You are holy, holy, holy
Heavens, earth and everything you are
Promises, God, Your Majesty
The sky of witnesses promises you:
Apostles and prophets of faith
The heavens dressed in white
Delivered from misery,
The church around the world
Confesses to you joyfully
Our Father, of great grace
Power and honor unimaginable
And Your true only Son
Worshipped all over the Earth
And your Spirit, Lord,
Send to us from Heaven
Jesus Christ, honorable king
Eternally born by the Father's will
In order to forgive all our sins
You were a human, born of a woman
Didn't hide the nurturing life
A virgin gave to You
You destroyed death
And opened up Your empire for Your people
God gave You all Your power
A place at His side
Some day when you return
You'll judge everyone
Help your servants
Those whose pain you relieved
Give to them among the saints
Eternal glory and honor
Lead Your people, bless them
Raise them into eternity
We bless you, our God
Each day you prepare us
We shout your name high into the light
Through all eternities
Protect us by grace today
From breaking your law
God, our God, have mercy
May your forgiveness come
Save us forever
From all our misery and anguish
You are our sole hope
Amen, come, Lord Jesus
Sante_CaserioSante_Caserio    Tor, 11/05/2017 - 23:04

Tried to improve it slightly and made it a bit more literal at places

God, our God, we promise you
We confess to you, o Lord
You who are eternal
Worshipping the non-eternal families
The whole world, sea and land,
Honors your name, our Father

Cherubim and Serafim
Angels, powers sing eternally
Shouting to you without stopping:
You are holy, holy, holy
Heavens, earth and everything you are
Promises, God, Your Majesty

The sky of witnesses promises you:
Apostles and prophets of faith
The heavens dressed in white
Delivered from misery,
The church around the world
Confesses to you joyfully

Our Father, of great grace
Power and honor unimaginable
And Your true only Son
Worshipped all over the Earth
And your Spirit, Lord,
Send to us from Heaven

Jesus Christ, honorable king
Eternally born by the Father's will
In order to forgive all our sins
You were a human, born of a woman
Didn't hide the nurturing life
A virgin gave to You

You destroyed death
And opened up Your empire for Your people
God gave You all Your power
A place at His side
Some day when you return
You'll judge everyone

Help your servants
Those whose pain you relieved
Give to them among the saints
Eternal glory and honor
Lead Your people, bless it
Raise it into eternity

We bless you, our God
Each day you prepare us
We shout your name high into the light
Through all eternities
Protect us by grace today
From breaking your law

God, our God, have mercy
May your forgiveness come
Save us forever
From all our misery and anguish
You are our sole hope
Amen, come, Lord Jesus

   Fre, 12/05/2017 - 00:55

I was mostly afraid of making it too literal, but this looks really good.

   Fre, 12/05/2017 - 00:56

7th stanza second to last line: I changed "bless it" to "bless them" because it's still talking about the people

   Fre, 12/05/2017 - 00:49

Thanks, I will update it and credit you for your help!