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That's Enough

Don't hold
me in your palms anymore,
don't, don't.
That's enough,
I've been kept prisoner long enough,
that's enough, that's enough.
The spring is still here,
But at dawn the snow
will cover every word and every step.
I have to go, the morning comes soon,
don't destroy my crown of thorns.
Fondle me
with a kiss
for one last time, only once.
My pain was mixed,
like a poisoned beverage,
with my love and resentment.
That's enough,
In some days, in some nights
all will pass, like dreams, fly away.
I want to slake the bonfire.
the ashes are carried away with the wind.
That's enough. That's enough.
It's too late.
I can't hear your words,
That's enough, forgive me.
There's sorrow in my heart,
but I don't regret,
stop holding me, just let go.
As if someone has foretold me this,
like a punishment.
The crosses loom black over love,
I don't want to remain in you.
I can't bear it, stop holding me, let me go.
That's enough. That's enough.
That's enough. That's enough.
Don't hold
me in your palms anymore,
don't, don't.
That's enough,
I've been kept prisoner long enough,
that's enough, that's enough...

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Låttexter (ukrainska)

crimson_anticscrimson_antics    Lör, 18/01/2014 - 02:36

'stop holding': 'stop holding on' ?
And 'stop keeping' is a bit weird, i'm not sure what it means exactly though...

   Lör, 18/01/2014 - 14:45

'Stop holding', it's rather like holding someone in your arms, or in the palms of the hands as it is this particular case. Not sure why I've put the "keeping" thing at the end though... you see, I tend to confuse these verbs since they are both mostly translated with the same one in Ukrainian, i.e. "тримати". Thanks again for the analysis! :)

crimson_anticscrimson_antics    Lör, 18/01/2014 - 22:17

Oh okay, then maybe 'stop holding me' would be a bit clearer? :)