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  • Hanacpachap cussicuinin → översättning till engelska

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Hanacpachap cussicuinin

Hanacpachap cussicuinin,
Huaran cacta muchas caiqui.
Yupairuru pucocmallqui,
Runa cunap suyacuinin.
Callpannacpa quemicuinin,
Uyarihuai muchascaita
Diospa rampan Diospamaman
Yurac tocto hamancaiman
Yupascalla, collpascaita
Huahuaiquiman suyuscaita
Chipchijcachac catachillai
Punchau pussac quean tupa
Cam huacyacpac, manaupa
Queçaiquicta hamuiñillai
Piñascaita quespichillai
Ñocahina pim huanana
Mitanmanta çananmanta
Tecçe machup churinmanta.
Llapa yallec millaimana
Muchapuai yasuihuana
Huahuaiquicta. .
Vequecta ricui pinquicta
Çucai, çucai huacachacman
Sonco queve putichcacman
Cutirichij ñauijquicta
Ricuchihuai uyayquicta
Hanacpachap callasanan
Canchac punchau tutayachec
Quilla pacsa raurayachec
Angelcunap cochocunan
Hinantimpa rirpucunan
Cauçac pucyu.
Capacmanta mirac suyu
Capaccunap capacnimpa
Ñaupamanta huachacninpa
Gracia sococ, aclla puyu
Campim suyan tecçe muyu
Gloria cachun Dios yayapac
Dios churipac hinallatac
Sancto Espiritu pac huantac
Cachun gloria, viñaillapac
Cauçaicunap, cauçainimpac
Cussicachun. Amen.

The bliss of Heaven

The bliss of Heaven,
I will worship you a thousandfold,
Revered fruit of a mature tree,
Long awaited by your people,
Protection of spiritual strength,
Heed my call.
Hear my prayer
White shoot of the lily
Litter of God, Mother of God
Worshipped, my barren state
Show me your son
Whom I await.
O brilliant light of the Southern Cross
Meeting with the bringer of the day
Summon me in my disdain
Save me
From my anger
Precious grain store
Like me, who will take revenge
For his time on earth
For his lineage
For the sons of his ancestors
Overcoming all abominations
Your child
See the tears, see them sparkle
Weeping profusely
Your heart grieving
Turn your eyes upon me
Look upon me with your face
Mother of God
Ancient lineage of Heaven
Who darkens the shining day
Who makes the moon burn bright
The bands of angels
So ascend
Living source of water
Royal kingdom of abundance
Royalty of the royals
Born of the beginning
Grace of old age, chosen royal crown
The world has hope in you
God of grace
May there be glory for the Lord
And for his son likewise
And also for the Holy Ghost
May there be glory for all eternity
For the life of all sustenance
May there be delight. Amen