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  • Sinan Sakić

    Nek puknu dusmani → översättning till engelska

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Nek puknu dusmani

Oduvek sam želeo
Dobro svima
Želela sam svakom
Da sreću ima
Al’ ima ljudi
Koji loše vrate
Al’ ima ljudi
Koji zlobom plate
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Ja i dalje volim ceo svet
Volim rujno vino
Volim plave oči
Volim kad od lipe
Zamiriše cvet
Često neki znaju
Da podmetnu nogu
Al’ mene tako
Da naljute ne mogu
Ja se pesmom borim
Da ostvarim snove
Ja se pesmom borim
Za sve dane nove
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Ja i dalje volim ceo svet
Volim rujno vino
Volim plave oči
Volim kad od lipe
Zamiriše cvet
Narod dobro kaže
Istina je prava
Ko drugom jamu
Sam u nju upada
Ima neko čudo
Koje život kroji
Ima neko čudo
Što čoveka vodi
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Nek’ puknu dušmani
Ja i dalje volim ceo svet
Volim rujno vino
Volim plave oči
Volim kad od lipe
Zamiriše cvet (x2)

May enemies drop dead

I have always wanted
Only good for others
I wanted everyone
To be happy
But there are people
Who give back in evil
But there are people
Who pay back in evil
May enemies drop dead
May enemies drop dead
I still love the entire world
I love red wine
I love blue eyes
I love it when
Linden's flower smells
Often some people
Trip you over
But they can't
Make me mad with that
I fight with song
To achieve my dreams
I fight with song
For all new days
May enemies drop dead
May enemies drop dead
I still love the entire world
I love red wine
I love blue eyes
I love it when
Linden's flower smells
People are right in saying
The truth is the real thing
Whoever digs a hole for another
Will fall in it themselves
There's a certain miracle
That life tailors
There's a certain miracle
That lead a person
May enemies drop dead
May enemies drop dead
I still love the entire world
I love red wine
I love blue eyes
I love it when
Linden's flower smells
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