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Only winners get the limelight

I don't want to talk about what we both went through
It's old news, but it still hurts
Everyone exaggerated, and I've lost
There's no need to talk if you don't have any aces left
Only winners get the limelight, losers are nowhere to be seen
That's how every game ends, and it's the same with sentiment
I really believed I belonged to you
I convinced myself I was a friend to you
Built a home, walls, to hold you
But they weren't much use in this game
Only God knows why, but he stayed cold and dumb
Watched on, as I lost every dream I ever had with you
Only winners get the limelight, losers are nowhere to be seen
The die fell for you, and I'm bowing out
But tell me, does she love you like I loved you?
Do you feel the same way with her as you did with me?
I want you to know how much I miss you
But I keep up appearances, and follow the rules
Only time decides, perhaps my feelings will die
I will leave you in peace, but I still watch you
A new game begins for you, what does it matter if she wins?
Your dream of her will shatter, only winners get the limelight
But I won't talk any more, I don't want to confuse you
Believe me, I understand, leave my hand and go
I'm sorry if anything I've said hurt you
I am not holding court, I don't have the right, as you know
Only winners get the limelight, only winners get the limelight
Only winners get the limelight, losers are nowhere to be seen

Nur Sieger steh'n im Licht

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