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Last Wish

Your last wish is time
So you can love once more
All around, ugly pillars are burning already
And death is lurking close by
Stealing her victims' ideas
Because she wants to know what matters the most
She traded in her soul for truth
And wanted to know everything
And what have we got
Where will we be tomorrow
Oh, God, what is it
Oh, God, where am I
Where am I
Deception pulls me in
The one I desire
Will kill me
Will turn me on
Will tear me apart
Will suck out everything there is
Who am I
Save me
She traded in her soul for truth
And wanted to know everything
And what have we got
Where will we be tomorrow
Oh, God, what is it
Oh, God, where am I
Your last wish is time
So you can love once more
All around, ugly pillars are burning already

Останнє Побажання

Låttexter (ukrainska)
