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The Girls Who

Silvia is putting her clothes on and she will leave very soon,
Laura is still staying in bed for a while,
Julia has been working in a bar for already one hour,
Ann is asking whether he will call her again tonight.
How many times, you know, it happened also to us.
The girls who never know
What in their hearts is
And they stay there in waiting
With the anxiety for a fear to make faults
And with the wish to say him “yes”.
Marta is tired and is waiting for the six,
Sara is writing to him home, maybe he will come back.
How many doubts then will be repeated in us.
The girls who are around you
How many dreams they have,
They sit there to argue
In whom and why they would fall in love.
How much wish,
How much wish to say him “yes”.
The girls who
Never know,
What they hide in their hearts
Maybe only because they are waiting for you.

Ragazze che

Låttexter ( italienska)

Don JuanDon Juan
   Lör, 30/12/2023 - 14:46

The source lyrics have been updated. The former last stanza has been expanded and missing verses (which impact understanding) were now added. Please review your translation.