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O Jesus Redentori

O Jesus Redentori,
custa est una pregadoria,
de su mundu Srabadori
e de nosu su veru Messia.
Stesiaisinci su dolori
me in sa terra trista e afligia.
O Jesus Consoladori,
fai chi torrit prestu s’armonia.
Custu fillu pecadori
cun sa cuscièntzia intribulia
oi ti pregat cun ardori
po chi torrit s’ànima pulia.
O eternu Sinnïori,
fai chi bolit po dònnia genia
sa columba de s’amori
e cun su gambixeddu de s’olia.
O eternu Sinnïori,
fai chi bolit po dònnia genia
sa columba de s’amori
e cun su gambixeddu de s’olia.
Oi ses sa luxi risplendenti
chi a dònnia coru fais de ghia,
fillu ‘e su Deus Onnipotenti
nàsciu de sa Vìrgini Maria.
Oi ses sa luxi risplendenti
chi a dònnia coru fais de ghia,
fillu ‘e su Deus Onnipotenti
nàsciu de sa Vìrgini Maria.

Oh Jesus the Redeemer

Oh, Jesus the Redeemer,
this is a prayer,
Saviour of the world
and our true Messiah.
Take the pain away from us
on this sad and afflicted earth.
Oh, Jesus the Comforter,
let harmony return soon.
This sinful son
with a troubled conscience
today prays ardently to Thee
so that his soul may be back clean.
Oh eternal Lord,
let the dove of love
fly for every nation,
with the olive branch.
Oh eternal Lord,
let the dove of love
fly for every nation,
with the olive branch.
Today Thou art the bright light
that is a guide for every heart,
son of the Almighty God
born from the Virgin Mary.
Today Thou art the bright light
that is a guide for every heart,
son of the Almighty God
born from the Virgin Mary.
Idioms from "O Jesus Redentori"