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سینه از آتش دل در غم جانانه بسوخت

سینه از آتش دل در غم جانانه بسوخت
آتشی بود در این خانه که کاشانه بسوخت
تنم از واسطه دوری دلبر بگداخت
جانم از آتش مهر رخ جانانه بسوخت
سوز دل بین که ز بس آتش اشکم دل شمع
دوش بر من ز سر مهر چو پروانه بسوخت
آشنایی نه غریب است که دلسوز من است
چون من از خویش برفتم دل بیگانه بسوخت
خرقه زهد مرا آب خرابات ببرد
خانه عقل مرا آتش میخانه بسوخت
چون پیاله دلم از توبه که کردم بشکست
همچو لاله جگرم بی می و خمخانه بسوخت
ماجرا کم کن و بازآ که مرا مردم چشم
خرقه از سر به درآورد و به شکرانه بسوخت
ترک افسانه بگو حافظ و می نوش دمی
که نخفتیم شب و شمع به افسانه بسوخت

Longing For The One and Only Blazed My Heart, Scorched My Chest

Longing for the one and only blazed my heart, scorched my chest
Such flames raged in that house that burned my life
‌Being away from my love was a wildfire in my flesh
Blazing sun of my soulmate’s visage burned my soul
Look! Flames of my heart, flood of my tears
Melted the heart of the candle, like a butterfly [in the fire]
It is no surprise that friendly ones feel for me
When I passed out, it melted even the heart of strangers
The river of sins1drowned out my pretext of piety
The tavern’s fire burned down my house of sense2
Denouncing the wine broke my heart-cup3
Leaving the tavern and wine scorched my soul-tulip
cut long story short and come back,as the pupil of my eye
Let go of its [colored] clothe and burned it as an offering4
O, Hafez5! Leave the legends, drink up for a bit
Telling tales burned the candle, stole sleep from our eyes
  • 1. Drinking wine is forbidden in Islam
  • 2. 'sense' here means sanity, as in 'to make sense'
  • 3. borrowed the term 'heart-cup' from "the sonnet-ballad" poem by Gwendolyn Brooks
  • 4. imagery: I cried so much without you that I became blind
  • 5. Pen name of the poet