Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stå med Ukraina!
  • Czesław Niemen

    Tyle jest dróg → översättning till engelska

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There are so many ways

In the place where the wind sings a song,
Plays willows like strings,
There is an old tract.
Where it leads you?
Where this distant way ends?
I will be going although there's no signpost
'Cause a vagabond leads me: the wind.
There are so many ways in the world,
All are bendy,
They entangle the Earth like a spider web,
Without signposts,
With signposts,
Which one should I choose?
I will go where the wind
Shows a vagabond trail
'Cause only the wind knows best
Where the way without aim ends.
I will go alone although there's no signpost
'Cause a vagabond leads me: the wind.

Tyle jest dróg

Låttexter (polska)
