
BlackSea4ever tarafından 21 Eyl 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu

What can I tell you? Moody...


German A

Çeviriler:  Türkçe #1
+46 dil
, #2, #3, Almanca #1, #2, #3, Arapça, Azerbaycanca, Beyaz Rusça, Danca, Esperanto, Estonca, Farsça, Felemenkçe, Fransızca #1, #2, Harf Çevirisi #1, #2, Hırvatça, Lehçe #1, #2, #3, #4, Letonca, Litvanca, Macarca, Norveççe, Portekizce, Rumence #1, #2, Sırpça, Tacikçe, Ukraynaca, Vietnamca, Yunanca, İbranice, İngilizce #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, İspanyolca #1, #2, İtalyanca

Trofimov S

Çeviriler:  İngilizce

Rozenbaum A
For my father

Çeviriler:  İbranice

For my father

Çeviriler:  Türkçe

Mityaev O

Çeviriler:  İngilizce

Raman S

Çeviriler:  Rusça

Diller:  Lehçe → İngilizce

Azalia tarafından Pazar, September 22, 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu


Czerwone Gitary

Diller:  Lehçe → İngilizce

BlackSea4ever tarafından Pazar, September 22, 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Dumont Charles

29. Mireille Mathieu - Addio Fransızca 

Mireille Mathieu

30. Mireille Mathieu - Élise Fransızca 

Mireille Mathieu

Çeviriler:  Almanca
+3 dil
, Rumence, İngilizce #1, #2

31. Luciano Pavarotti - Caruso İtalyanca 

Luciano Pavarotti.

An incredible video

32. Il Volo - L'amore si muove İtalyanca 

Il volo

Çeviriler:  Türkçe #1


Diller:  İspanyolca → İngilizce

34. Mireille Mathieu - Embrujo İspanyolca 

Mireille Mathieu

35. Mísia - Fogo preso Portekizce 


Çeviriler:  İngilizce

Sukhanov A

Çeviriler:  Almanca
+3 dil
, İngilizce #1, #2, #3

Deep Purple


Çeviriler:  İngilizce

Sukhanov A

[@st. Sol] would you consider translating? I tried, but can't give it justice. For some reason, must be video induced, I thought you might like it.

Sukhanov A.

This video has beautiful watercolors

Çeviriler:  İngilizce

Kaiser Ronald

Diller:  Almanca → İngilizce

magicmulder tarafından Cumartesi, September 28, 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Frolova E.
Встретимся ли, свидимся , Снова ли обидимся

Çeviriler:  İngilizce, İtalyanca

Mireille Mathieu

Diller:  Fransızca, İspanyolca → Rusça

wisigoth tarafından Pazar, September 29, 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Brel Jaques

Diller:  Fransızca → İngilizce

Dodiad tarafından Perşembe, February 16, 2012 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Radek J

Diller:  Lehçe → İngilizce

annabel lee tarafından Salı, Haziran 18, 2013 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Clapton Eric

Çeviriler:  Türkçe #1
+42 dil
, #2, #3, Almanca #1, #2, Arapça, Azerbaycanca, Bulgarca, Endonezce, Farsça #1, #2, Felemenkçe, Fince #1, #2, Fransızca, Hırvatça, Japonca, Lehçe, Macarca, Portekizce, Rumence, Rusça #1, #2, Slovakça, Sırpça #1, #2, Tayca, Toki Pona, Ukraynaca #1, #2, #3, Vietnamca, Yunanca #1, #2, Çekçe, Çince, İspanyolca #1, #2, İsveççe #1, #2, #3, İtalyanca #1, #2

Obel Agnes

Diller:  İngilizce → Rusça

Pinchus tarafından Çarşamba, October 9, 2019 tarihinde oluşturuldu

Pugacheva A

Marina Tsvetayeva birthday was on October 8th

Çeviriler:  Fransızca

Shipilov A.
Same song as below, but at this moment, I like this version better.

Khomchik Galina.
Same song is above, but depending on the mood, I like one or the other

Çeviriler:  Almanca, İngilizce

Winthrop Faith.

It felt as if my mother spoke to me. Unreal.

79. Danny Vera - Hold on a while İngilizce 

Vera Danny

Çeviriler:  Türkçe, Rusça


This is an amazing rendition that supersedes all others

Çeviriler:  Harf Çevirisi
+2 dil
, İngilizce #1, #2

Okean Elzy.

Çeviriler:  Türkçe

Okean Elzy.

Okean Elzy.

Çeviriler:  Türkçe #1

89. Sting - Fragile İngilizce 


Çeviriler:  Türkçe #1
+38 dil
, #2, Almanca #1, #2, Azerbaycanca, Bulgarca, Ermenice, Farsça #1, #2, Felemenkçe, Fince, Fransızca, Gürcüce, Hırvatça, Japonca, Kırgızca, Lehçe #1, #2, Macarca #1, #2, Portekizce, Rumence #1, #2, Rusça #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, Sırpça #1, #2, Ukraynaca #1, #2, Yunanca, Özbekçe, İbranice, İspanyolca, İtalyanca #1, #2

Leão R


Çeviriler:  Almanca

94. Sting - Until İngilizce 


Çeviriler:  Rumence #1

Joel Billy

Cocker Joe.

Alternate video:

Çeviriler:  Türkçe

Kukin Yuri
I think this song is a most fitting conclusion to this collection. My thanks to everyone who introduced me to the performers, songs, and offered much needed support during the gloom.

Çeviriler:  Almanca, İngilizce

silencedsilenced    Pzt, 23/09/2019 - 00:19

Mireille Mathieu is one of these French singers that are more famous in Russia than in their own country :)

I don't really get the idea of this collection. "moody" applies to a lot of different songs, even to whole genres.
Or did you have something more specific in mind?

   Pzt, 23/09/2019 - 01:57

Heart wrenching French songs, Pierre. No death implied or otherwise... Rooftops...

   Perş, 26/09/2019 - 18:02

I was answering to Pierre on what he might suggest. You can send a link if you like something.
Don't mock me today, if you can help it.

SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 19:59
   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 05:30

Brat likes this singer. I found her in his collection along with Derkin's margarita (that I really like.)
But the song you linked, while it perfectly expresses how I presently feel, isn't my cup of tea.

silencedsilenced    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 18:37

What could be more heart-wrenching than a crying angel? No need for clumsy words.

JadisJadis    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 18:45

I'm already sobbing like a full elephant football-team over spilt milk : this one is in Russian, but there absolutely must be Greek ones too, like this one for instance (but there are lots of them).

JadisJadis    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 19:13

Let's support French (real) artists ! (with real lyrics, music and voice) : here.

JadisJadis    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 19:48

Mouais, y'a du texte, mais ça ne m'a pas trop pris aux tripes (j'ai d'abord cru que c'était Greta Thunberg qui s'était mise au français). Je ne sais pas si ça entre dans la catégorie "moody".

silencedsilenced    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 19:55

Des gamines de 18 ans capable de faire ça, je n'en connais pas beaucoup. Ce n'est pas du Brassens, mais ça s'en rapproche en évitant le ridicule. Beaucoup ont essayé, peu ont réussi.
Le son est médiocre sur cette vidéo, mais sur d'autres on peut voir qu'elle ne chante pas mal du tout.

JadisJadis    Perş, 26/09/2019 - 19:59

Oui, je n'ai rien contre, je trouve ça plutôt pas mal (surtout en ces temps de décadence généralisée), mais je me demandais si c'était pertinent ici.

silencedsilenced    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 09:40

C'est le "with real lyrics, music and voice" qui m'a fait penser à elle. Et le morceau tirerait des larmes à un caillou, non ?

vevvevvevvev    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 10:50

I don't really understand the idea of this collection myself...
In my opinion, the song just has to please whoever is offering and Deanna will include it in the compilation if she likes.

   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 11:54

I already told Pierre once. The idea is to have songs suited to a moody state of mind. No death/suicide offers, thanks.I also offered to put this collection in draft if you guys don't like it.
Purpose: If you were to be in a gloomy state, but didn't want to sink further, you could come and look at these songs, maybe even pick the one that speaks to you and translate it - that's what I'm doing. It helps me - maybe it would help others.
So, do tell if I need to pull it down.

vevvevvevvev    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 13:47

Так я правильно понял, что надо предлагать песни поднимающие настроение?

   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 13:52

Женечка, настроение грустное. So is the entire selection of these songs. I loved all the suggestions, you likely noticed as I thanked for some of them even if I didn't add them into this collection.

   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 13:58

If you want to understand this collection, watch the entry I deleted because it isn't the song, but dance that speaks for me.

JadisJadis    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 16:34

Oh, I nearly forgot that one  : the absolute must !
;( ;( ;(

JadisJadis    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 16:43

Wait! In English, it's tragic, but the original in Hungarian is simply unbearable... (0:45 in the video)

   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:46

Here, in contrition, I reworked an old joke for you, Philippe
A man is having a rough time parallel parking.
Forward - hits the car in front.
Backs up - hits the car behind.
A blond policewoman walks up to him: "monsieur, when are we intending to park?"

silencedsilenced    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:05

You're safe with Billie. She turned it all into a dream. The Hungarian is the real deal.

JadisJadis    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:10

Oh sorry, I thought you were asking for gloomy songs, and I really couldn't find anything more gloomy...
OK, we're going for a walk, my thick skull and I...

silencedsilenced    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:41

What do you mean? Neither of these songs is about suicide or death. Just plain breakups.

   Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:46

I can feel The soil falling over my head
See, the sea wants to take me
The knife wants to slit me
Trying my best to avoid the imagery

silencedsilenced    Cum, 27/09/2019 - 17:48

These are only metaphors. The guy is dying of shame. The song really is about unrequited love.
"it's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate. It takes strength to be gentle and kind..."

JadisJadis    Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 06:26

Hmmm, gloomy, but only moderately gloomy... if I understood it all right. That's not very easy.

silencedsilenced    Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 06:28

Which one? "I know it's over" ?

JadisJadis    Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 06:39

I'm trying to identify Deanna's target...

silencedsilenced    Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 06:42

Ah ok. Play it by ear then. As long as nobody dies in the end, it should be ok.

   Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 08:27

I discovered a new, to me, artist, Iris Hond. Amazing. I'll try to add her music. Look her up, if you are interested and let me know what you think, P&P.

silencedsilenced    Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 21:52

She sounds adorable. Apparently she mostly plays classical music. I could only find a couple of songs.

   Cmt, 28/09/2019 - 22:09

Common, you must have had an overkill of the "refined" poetry - she looks adorable, she plays with the soul dripping from her fingers, she has social conscience... Dream girl for any man!

silencedsilenced    Pzr, 29/09/2019 - 05:36

Dream girls are in no short supply. I, alas, am no dream boy.
But yes, she sounds too nice and humane to be true. And she's beautiful too.

LunkyLunky    Cmt, 30/05/2020 - 18:37

Maybe you will like some of these songs:

It's a post-punk band from the Netherlands but they sing in english.

Another post-punk band but from Moscow, Russia. (And they also sing in english.)

Yet another post-punk from Russia.

Indie-rock, synth-pop from the US.

Indie-rock, post-punk from the US again.

An English indie-rock band.

English indie folk.

That's all for now, I don't want to spam your page too much. :D

   Cmt, 30/05/2020 - 17:39

Thanks! You are joining the ranks of many people who opened me to a variety of music. I’m richer for it.
You are always welcome on any page of mine.
I see you added Into Those Woods - I liked it, but I hope “chain saw” isn’t about the horror movie... 😆

LunkyLunky    Cmt, 30/05/2020 - 17:57

I'm afraid it's a clear reference to that movie. ;)

   Cmt, 30/05/2020 - 18:17

I was afraid of it. Lately, because of severe overload at work, I watch only funny movies. I don’t need to pause between the calls. Today is the first quiet day in months and I still jump at every god damn marketing call - you’d think we could come up with the way to filter them out!

LunkyLunky    Cmt, 30/05/2020 - 18:41

I feel you. I have my fair share of work overload as well sadly. Btw, I "ninja edited" another song to my post from earlier. ^^

LunkyLunky    Cmt, 06/06/2020 - 06:11

I find it soothing even if it doesn't have lyrics.

silencedsilenced    Cmt, 06/06/2020 - 09:33

Nice atmospheric song. Reminds me of this one. Seashore instead of moonlight:

LunkyLunky    Cmt, 06/06/2020 - 15:41

Another band with relaxing music. 

silencedsilenced    Cmt, 06/06/2020 - 16:24

Very pleasant to hear. I'm listening the whole album right now.
A nice bit of sad piano from my favourite French band of the 90's:

LunkyLunky    Pzt, 08/06/2020 - 18:54

I've stumbled upon this synthwave ("Sovietwave") collection recently. I guess it aims to evoke nostalgic feelings about the Soviet era and for many (judging by the comments), it really works. But that's not the reason I posted it. I simply find it relaxing and peaceful which is always welcomed after a tiring day, in my opinion.

LunkyLunky    Cum, 10/07/2020 - 19:22

Reminds me of how poor my German is 'cause I don't understand much of it (only after reading the eng translation)... :D Nevertheless, I enjoyed the song, thanks!

   Cum, 10/07/2020 - 19:31

There’s a max songs in this collection. I’ll add add it to # III
Thanks. Nothing like a barefoot young guy singing of love...