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Dušši dušše duššat

áigi oaivvahuvvan oaivámušaid áigebombba burgit
jagiáiggiid gierdui ovtta guvlui ovdáneames murdit
doalahuvvon doaladumiid vuoitit vuođus
luoitit vuoitimis luovus, riegádit ođđasit eallima goađus
vaikko vigget vuoluštit viidodaga, visot áigot áidut
mis gitta váidugo boatkanmeahttun viisodaga ráidu
lávket ovttas oktan oktavuođa etnui ovttastuvvat
jávket mearkkašmeahttun mihttomearit go lihkostuvvama mokta šuvva
skáhppomii snahppon diŋggaid dáhppo, fáŋgalnjálmmi duohkai dahppo
dássedeattu uksa láhppon sieluide rahppo
laigada menddo váigat, moivvi morrašiin váibada
ráiganan sielut gáidan biejus, áibbašeamen spáidara
váidalit oktonas váimmut, váillahit dáidaga
áigahaš dieđu ráidalasat mieđuštit, áidalas staigada
eamiálbmogiin fearán mii earáide muitalanveará
dán beal duoddara veattástuvvan mielaide don beallai dievá
máilmmi giela ii sáhte rievdadit, muhto oahppat áddet
dajahusat jáddet, ráddet, buollájit ja fas roahkkadit láddet
eallimiige vealtameahttun ohcat ja viggat bisánmeahttumit
soaittahagaid nohkameahttun feaillat viisá čeahppudit
muossi máilmmi guossit
eallenoassin eallit ollis oassin
goaffariid oaffaruššat
go lea dušši dušše duššat
ferte lahppot ahte livččii
manahit vai árvvoštivččii
áddet ahte beroštivččii
lea dušši dušše duššat
Loktanit lagaš lávus suovat, rávket buorre eahkeda
ráiggis reahpena, geahpedit fuolaid
oanehis geassi geasuhii giellavealggu girdilit gierragis
čuojahallat čoddagis gietkamii gierisin šiellan bearrašii
márahagain mášolažžan šaddan máddarat
časkkáhallan čoaska fáskasiin, duoddarat min fáddarat
gollegiella čáppa čavčča čađa dálvái dávista
giđa beaivvážis bivalda bievlan, eallima lievla šáviha
ráfi rájus váimmus, gierdavaš gierddu reaŋgan njuorai
guorba guovlluin gulul guoradit guoikka guora
šiegain šiehttá duottarvielttis duhkoraddat suonjar
sámit šaddan šaldin čuojahit luonddu šuohkki šuoŋa
bivvá bistevašvuohta eallinvuogis, duojis, gárvvuin
árbbolaččaide arvu atnit attáldagaimet árvvus
atnit ávvira johtolagas goavvejagiid badjel čuovvovaš badjái
johtit orohagaid gaskka vai ođđa geargá šaddat sadjái
dássedeattu vuoibmi vuoigŋá min čađa, dan dovdá gamus
siskkáldas soabadis álbmon sámi álbmot issoras fámu
čagadit vaikko riššá ruššuid ráššu ja bossu boaššui vaššu
čuotnamiin bissu viššu, ain cagahuvvo mášu áššu
oatnelanbotta eallima oalli min sallu
oidnosat oainnádahkan váreoaivvis fállun
geahčastin vulos, goddalin moji
beazit beaivvadagas, biegga sojahalai sogiid
ádjagis jogaš, jogažis eatnu
rávdnjin rávdnjot riegádan čiekŋut
šelgot čázit, čađa čuvget, šerres sieluin
jiella skeŋken šiela, eallju eallit ealuin
dulbmet skuovat juovaid, guldalit duođaid
biegga njávká muođuid, beaivesuonjar čalbmeluovain
skierrit sojadit, oavssit hieimmas
biekka sánehis sáhka guossi deaivvai
ráhpásmuvvan juovahagas áhpásmuvvá
sánehis ráfi ráhkisvuhtii oahpásmuvvat
áddejedje áhkut, áddejedje ádját
hupmá eana, ii dán čábbodagas rádjá

Pointless to just perish

it's time to examine the timebomb of the senseless leaders
in the circle of the seasons in one direction, backing away from development
we beat the maintained attitudes in the foundation
let go of profit, we are born again in the womb of life
even though they try to conquer the realm, they want to enclose everything
Is the unbroken line of wisdom falling silent in our hands
We walk together with each other becoming one with the river of unity
insignificant goals vanish when the drive of success whistles
the slumbering people lost against purchasing, shut behind the prison entraces
the gate of balance opens for the lost souls
breaks off too heavily, tires out with the griefs of chaos
the ruptured souls alienated from the nest, yearning for the torch
the lonely hearts lament, long for the art
the ladders of the old knowledge accompany, the wilderness alleviates
the indigenous people have experience worth telling others
the tethered minds of this side of the mountain to the far side of the hill
you can't change the language of the world, but learn to understand
sayings fade, become ice, ignite again and grow ripe
it's necessary for the life too to search and strive without pause
the defects cleverly use the song of the endless coincidences
peaceful guests of the world
our lot in life is to live as a whole
sacrifice the suitcases
because it's pointless to just perish
you have to disappear to exist
lose in order to value
understand in order to care
it's pointless to just perish
smoke rises from the nearby hut, saying good evening
from the smoke hole, relieving the concerns
the short summer lured the bluethroat to fly from the treetop
singing from the throat to the cradle a fond gift for the family
the ancestors finding peace on the large winter-tracks
looking for tracks in the cold snow drifts, the mountains our godparents
the golden language echoes through the beautiful autumn into the winter
in the spring sun it's getting warmer, bare ground appears, the vapour of life pouring in
peace stored in the heart, a man of the steady circle is affected
in the barren lands calmly following tracks along the waterfall
there is room on the mountain hill for the beam and the good one to play
the sámi have become a bridge for playing the sighing tune of nature
the continuity stays warm in the way of living, in the handcraft and in the clothes
energy to the inheritors to take care of our gifts
to look after the reindeer country during the harsh years until the next age
migrate between the residences so that a new one manages to come into place
the power of equilibrium breathes through us, you can feel it the bones
as an internally united people the sámi have great power
reconcile ourself even though the careless heavy rain splashes and hate is blowing into the boaššu1
in the sparks there is courage, the peaceful embers are still kept alive
for a moment the channel of life embraces us
the views offered from the rounded mountain tops are visible
I looked downwards, held back my laughter
pines in the sunlight, the wind bended the birches
a brook from the spring, a river from the brook
getting stronger as a current born to become deep
the waters shine, show through, with a bright soul
the breeze gave a present, motivation to live with the reindeer herd
the shoes trample the stony lands, really listening
the wind caresses the face, a sunbeam in the eyelids
the dwarf birches are bended, the branches in the breeze
the wordless message of the wind hits the guest
on terrains where the ground becomes uneven one gains strength
become acquinted with the love of the wordless peace
the grandmothers understood, the grandfathers understood
the land speaks, there is not limit in its beauty
  • 1. boaššu is the innermost place in the sámi hut
"Dušši dušše duššat" adlı eserdeki deyimler
Nicola RenziNicola Renzi    Pzt, 09/09/2019 - 02:39

Hi and thank you! You are doing a fantastic job here!
I have a particular question about the refrain of this track. Do you know the meaning, in this context, of the part which goes "Sacrifice the suitcases"? Is it maybe a Sami peculiar way of saying?
Thank you in advance and keep it up with this :)

   Cum, 28/02/2020 - 07:23

A late reply. No it's not a common phrase. It means only that, to sacrifice the suitcases. Maybe the message is to give up travelling?