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  • Ulver

    Capitel IV: Een Stemme locker → English translation

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Chapter IV: A Voice Allures

She awoke on shadowy paths
In the forest's deep green chambers
When a voice whispered again
From behind trunks covered with creepers
[The Voice:]
"Come, if you want! Come in the darkness
My black eye shall win you
My blond hair shall bind you!"
(So dragging, sucking words...)
[The Maiden:]
"O sweet voice, why do you wake up
My secret pain again
In this silent thicket?"
[The Voice:]
"Maid, what can you wish to win here?
Come follow me in the vale below...
Where you can receive to your mind,
Our bliss, our harmony"
[The Maiden:]
"I can not comprehend - I feel so strange...
Please speak... Must I, must I?"
Original lyrics

Capitel IV: Een Stemme locker

Click to see the original lyrics (Norwegian)
