• Kazem Al-Saher

    لقعدلك على الدرب قعود • 2 ترجمتان

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2 ترجمتان

كلماتلقعدلك على الدرب قعود

لقعدلك عالدرب قعود
حلوة يا أم عيون السود
لقعدلك عالدرب قعود
حلوة يا أم عيون السود
لاصعد وأقطعلك عنقود
وردة من البستاني
لاصعد وأقطعلك عنقود
وردة من البستاني
جن البيضا طياح طياح
وبجيتهن قلبي ارتاح
جن السمرا طياح طياح
وبجيتهن قلبي ارتاح
لاقعد ببيتك فلاح
وازرع ورد ورماني
لاقعد ببيتك فلاح
وازرع ورد ورماني
أخذ الحلوة ونام براحة
شفة كريزة وخد تفاحة
أخذ الحلوة ونام براحة
شفة كريزة وخد تفاحة
أم القلب المخلص هي
وحدها وتلعب بالساحة
هلا باللي يلعب جوبي
هلا برجال الجوبي
أنوب أنوب أنوب أنوب أنوب
الحلوة الحلوة الحلوة
مرتبطة أو ما مرتبطة
يا ناري على هاذي الورطة
مرتبطة أو ما مرتبطة
يا ناري على هاذي الورطة
والله لانصبلك خطة
وتسلمي القلب ومفتاحه


VelsketVelsket    الأربعاء, 20/05/2020 - 14:11

[@DEEMA] I edited the lyrics and fixed the issues with the song. Please don't use annotations to report mistakes in lyrics though. Instead report wrong lyrics in the forum thread here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/forum/incorrect-information-lyricstitleso...

Alternatively, you can just tag me in the song comments ( By commenting: [@Velsket] ) if you are reporting on Arabic lyrics and I will fix them


DEEMADEEMA    الأربعاء, 20/05/2020 - 14:25

Sorry, I didn't know that, I'm new here, thanks for letting me know

Kind Regards

VelsketVelsket    الأربعاء, 20/05/2020 - 17:24

It's completely fine, you can tag me anytime if needed. Welcome aboard :)

   الخميس, 21/05/2020 - 21:23

Hi Velsket and Deema—as the original transcriber, can either of you let me know which lyrics were wrong so I could learn from my mistakes? I did my best but this song was quite challenging because of the dialect. I would love to see any improvements made by a native speaker! Thanks!

VelsketVelsket    الجمعة, 22/05/2020 - 09:50

Hey there, of course gladly. You did an awesome job with it actually, color me super impressed :) Was just minor stuff, here goes: [My edit is between brackets]

[لأسعد وأقطعلك عنقود --> [لاصعد وأقطعلك عنقود Second verse, first line

[جت البيضا طياح طياح --> [جن البيضا طياح طياح Third verse, first line

[جت السمرا طياح طياح --> [جن السمرا طياح طياح Third verse, first line

[شفة ركيزة وخد تفاحة --> [شفة كريزة وخد تفاحة Fifth verse, second line

[والله لرسفلك خطة --> [والله لانصبلك خطة Last verse, fifth line

Let me know if you have any questions. Great job, baffles me that someone who isn't a native speaker can do this :)

DEEMADEEMA    الجمعة, 22/05/2020 - 10:00

If you mean not a native speaker of Arabic language, then I should tell you that I am a native speaker but if you're talking about the English language then I would say that I live in an English country so my English is good, but anyways thanks for the correction :)

VelsketVelsket    الجمعة, 22/05/2020 - 10:06

Oh no, I was referring to KitKat, not you haha :) I was saying I'm really impressed KitKat could transcribe this song as a non-native speaker of Arabic.  

   الأحد, 24/05/2020 - 04:16

Thank you! My family is Lebanese so I’ve grown up hearing Arabic spoken and sung, but I have to keep working hard to improve my writing and spelling. Transcribing songs helps a lot! (Also I’ve known this song for years, although with slightly different lyrics.)