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    Vapauden kaiho → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Yearning for Freedom

The yearning for freedom is echoing
Forever in our chests, comrades.
Thus come together and join the ranks
For that's the only salvation for the poor.
Away with hate and persecution,
Forwards to peace
And harmony among people.
Oh, freedom, hear us calling,
Hear the voice of crying orphans.
Oh, saviour of the poor people,
Hear the songs of freedom sounding.
In the dawn of a new morning, though,
The blessing shine of the sun
Is shadowed by dark clouds
And the way to freedom by high mountains.
However dark the night,
Just grab the hand of your brother
And the clouds will disappear
And cold will give way to warm.
Oh, freedom, hear us calling,
Hear the voice of crying orphans.
Oh, saviour of the poor people,
Hear the songs of freedom sounding.
The yearning for freedom is echoing
Forever in our chests, comrades.
Thus come together and join the ranks
For that's the only salvation for the poor.

Vapauden kaiho

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