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  • Guitarricadelafuente

    Vidalita Del Mar → traduzione in Inglese

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Vidalita from the sea

I am not afraid of dying
But if you are left alone
After Death sings
And the horizon appears
Vidalita from the sea, crystal clear
In my land's harbours
My small homeland
Sprouting from the natural spring
The fine water
Going through my veins
My Macorina**
And I am afraid of thinking
That there is no use in chants
To come and court you
At the stall and the bars
And I am afraid of thinking
That I might not feel when I sing
That my palate might not feel
The sour taste of blood
Vidalita from the sea, crystal clear
In my land's harbours
My small homeland
Sprouting from the natural spring, the fine water
Going through my veins
My Macorina**
And I am afraid of thinking
That there is no use in chants
To come and court you
At the stall and the bars
And I am afraid of thinking
That I might not feel when I sing
That my palate might not feel
The sour taste of blood
Vidalita from my blood
Vidalita from the sea
Vidalita from my blood
Vidalita from the sea
Vidalita from my blood
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Vidalita Del Mar

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