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    Čudna kuća → English translation

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Čudna kuća

U čudnoj kući nikad ne čuješ glas, ni korake
Vidiš li izgleda da nema ni nas, ni izlaza
Jer je pusto i dosadno u našim glavama
Jer je gluvo i dosadno po našim sobama
Čudno je...
Naše se sestre vuku po sobama, niz hodnike
Kidaju zavese i glave o zidove i prozore
Jer je pusto i dosadno u našim glavama
Jer je gluvo i dosadno po našim sobama
U čudnoj kući lica nestaju
Osećaš svoj strah
Gmaz u grudima
Čudno je...

Strange house

In strange house you don't hear the voice, nor steps
Do you see, it seems that we don't exist, nor exit
'cause everything is desolate and boring in our heads
'cause it's silent and boring in our rooms
It's strange...
Our sisters wander through the rooms, down the corridors
They tear down the curtains and heads against the walls and windows
'cause everything is desolate and boring in our heads
'cause it's silent and boring in our rooms
in strange house faces dissapear
You feel your fear
Reptile in the chest
It's strange