Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
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If you want I will hug you harder
I dont remember that it was like this before
But with you, I will do that more often,
Your sad eyes, but I will fix it,
The green colour mirrors of the soul, I'm drowning in them.
Remember those memories, I'm giving them to you!
We wake up and we fall asleep,
We together dream about only one thing, to love!
For once and forever,
We wake up and we fall asleep,
We play the game of love honestly, understand it!
One soul for both of us!
We wake up and we fall asleep,
We together dream about only one thing, to love!
For once and forever,
We wake up and we fall asleep,
We play the game of love honestly, understand it!
One soul for both of us!
Last Couplet:
I like watching
How you fall asleep.
Only in your dreams,
You fly with me
To high, where nobody will disturb us
I will cover you against the sun with my shadow.
We understand each other in silence,
Only this way, and another way
Can not be.
Remember those memories, I'm giving them to you!
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Wed, 27/09/2017 - 07:48

There is some misunderstanding of Russian language. Why some translators never ask for proofreading? If you want, I will hug you harder. I don't remember that it was like this before. The green colour mirrors of the soul, I'm drowning in them. We are waking up and falling asleep. We honestly play the game of love, do understand. One soul for both of us. Also, can anybody add one more verse, which is missing.
Kind Regards

TiborTibor    Wed, 27/09/2017 - 08:03

Askin whom? U? Oh, boi, no... She's just studied Russian. Everyhin that we can do - to HELP her correct the mistakes and not POINTED on'em, what u like 2 do, cuz this site was also made to help in studyin. It's not a truth in the last instance, not place for readin or shadin n not the place to show ur arrogance. I'm sayin. I'm just sayin. Sorry bout it...

   Wed, 27/09/2017 - 22:15

Really thanks for your support! I really try to do my best while translating. I try to interpret things correctly from one language to another and I think over them. However, sometimes misinterpretations occur as I'm not a native speaker. I appreaciate people who understand such things!

   Wed, 27/09/2017 - 22:22

In your comment, your answerer is me as you comment on my translation, but you seem like you're reproaching on your own. This makes your comment look rude. However, I edited the lyrics and translated the last couplet. Please, answer by counting me as your answerer if you find any mistake.

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Wed, 27/09/2017 - 08:10

That's what I did. I 'm helping her to correct mistakes. Didn't you see . And would you,please, finish the song, that you have submitted. The last verse is missing. And please, don't be so aggressive. Take the chip of your shoulder.
Thank you.

TiborTibor    Wed, 27/09/2017 - 15:54

Wait a minute. Is it wrote to me? Which one of songs? The last song I've submitted was Latin song from Carmina Burana, The last translation was Russian rap

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Wed, 27/09/2017 - 09:49

Последний куплет

Мне нравится смотреть,
Как ты засыпаешь
Только в своих снах
Ты со мною летаешь
Высоко, где нас никто не потревожит
Своей тенью я закрою тебя от солнца
Понимаем друг друга молча
Только так, и по другому
Быть не может

Ты пойми эти мгновения
Тебе их дарю

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Thu, 28/09/2017 - 06:58

Have a look at the name under the lyrics submitted on 14/09/17