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Ungrateful Heart

Caterina, Caterina, why do you say those bitter words?
Why do you speak and torment my heart, Caterina?
Don't forget, I gave you my heart, Caterina,
don't forget.
Caterina, Caterina, why do you come and say those words that hurt me so much?
You don't think of my pain,
you don't think, you don't care.
Ungrateful heart,
you have stolen my life.
Everything is finished
and you don't care any more!
Catarí', Catarí'
you do not know that even in church
I bring my prayers to God, Catari.
And I recount my confession to the priest: "I am suffering
from such a great love."
I'm suffering,
I'm suffering from not knowing your love,
I'm suffering a sorrow that tortures my soul.
And I confess, that the Holy Mother
spoke to me: "My son, let it be, let it be."
Original lyrics

Core 'ngrato

Click to see the original lyrics (Neapolitan)

Collections with "Core 'ngrato"
Luciano Pavarotti: Top 3
mostafa zarifmostafa zarif    Mon, 26/12/2011 - 00:24

That was nice thanks. To be honest I'm not much of a "Italian music listener" per Se but I'm beginning to like it, specially the Pavarotti. this all Italian thing is just,um kind of accidental (saw just one clip of Pavarotti and Dion in English and then Boom!! I'm twisted) any way, your translations are really inspiring to me, so keep up the good work
Good luck :)

Nico YioeNico Yioe    Tue, 15/01/2013 - 17:25

Thank you very much..I really glad knowing the meaning of this song

m457r0m457r0    Sun, 17/11/2013 - 23:49

May I dare to suggest these alternatives:

E ll`aggio ditto pure a `o cunfessore:
And even I have said this to the confessor:

sto'a suffri pe` chella lla...
I am suffering on account of she there

sto'a suffri nun se può credere...
I am suffering so it cannot be believed

sto'a suffri tutte li strazie!`
I am suffering all heartbreaks

E `o cunfessore,ch'e perzona santa,
And the confessor, who is a holy person

mm`ha ditto: `Figliu mio
Said to me "my son

lassala sta!...
leave her"

o cunfessore: in Roman Catholicism, A priest who hears confession and often gives advice, as in this case.

BeverLin FernandezBeverLin Fernandez    Mon, 17/11/2014 - 03:22

m457r0 I want to thank you for your alternative translation on Core'Ngrato, because the last sentence makes more sense, than the one posted by the lady. I do thank hers too, but like I said, her translation of the last sentences of the song are not very accurate. Regards!

moe ymoe y    Wed, 07/10/2015 - 03:47

It must be Neapolitan dialect.
It must be hard to translate for standard foreign Italian speakers.
Anyway it is very useful for me and very thankful to understand.
Now one thing is sure that do not study Italian
by beautiful Italian folk song like me...
It is natural but very remarkable that there are also many dialects in Italian.
Thanks a lot.

Nick CalarcoNick Calarco    Wed, 08/08/2018 - 02:34

What a beautiful song. Knowing the English translation enhanced my enjoyment tenfold. I almost cried. Thank you so much.