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  • Stream of Passion

    Haunted → English translation

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Entire days walking in silence.
I quicken my pace to leave everything behind;
Seeking in the solitude the space
[needed] to forget that voice which torments me.
I live in fear when the shadows reappear,
Unleashing all their might.
I never thought I'd face the demons on my own.
Make it stop! Haunted, hunted.
A sigh that penetrates my soul,
A constant thought and hurtful.
I know you're there, although I can't see you,
I've never been able to escape the oppressiveness1 of your eyes.
I live in fear when the shadows reappear,
Unleashing all their might.
I never thought I'd face the demons on my own.
Make it stop! Haunted, hunted.
With every breathe I take,
My heart beats faster.
No matter how hard I try to unwind,
Tears keep falling from my eyes.
Haunted, hunted, I'm down on my knees;
Forever I'll mourn the loss of my innocence.
I live in fear when the shadows reappear,
Unleashing all their might.
I never thought I'd face the demons on my own.
Make it stop! Haunted, hunted.
  • 1. Can be translated to mean something restraining, or a burden.
Original lyrics


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