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  • Christian Hymns & Songs

    Mamani → English translation

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Mamani 'oku faka'ofa hono talanoa 'e he folofola.
Ne fononga loa ki he ta'engata
Mole 'a e lelei.
Lau 'etau fa'a lotu
Pea moe ave'ave
Ka ko Sisu na'e fakalave
Ki he hia na'e pau ki he mate
Kau atu 'a e fakamalo ki he 'ofa 'a e 'Otua
'O ne hifo ki he fonua loto, ko ia hotau hao'anga.


The world commiserates its voice by the Word.
They journey to some time past eternity
Goodness is lost.
Let us talk of our devotion
And of our conveyance
That it was Jesus who took away
The sins that was meant for the dead
Let us give thanks for the love God brings
That he descended into the land, thus our perfection.
selsmanelsselsmanels    Mon, 30/11/2015 - 09:44

Ah thanks for this. The way you've translated this is beautiful. I understand the song but can't put it on paper so thank you!