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I'm a very ordinary girl
Sometimes, I don't want to do anything
I'd make music, having a drink
With my mother, my sisters, my brothers
But I have to think about my career...
I'm a popular singer
You see me as a goddess
I'm a woman, not a princess
If I can make a confession...
It's when I sing that I feel best
But this is a dangerous profession
The more you give, the more the world wants
One day, when I'll have become too weary
I'll think about giving up my place
I'll bid the world farewell, with class
Hoping to leave a mark
And to carve, for life, in your hearts
Nothing but love and happiness
I love my fellow man, I love my public
All I want is for it all to work
I couldn't care less about criticism
When I sing, it's for the public
I'm not a circus animal
MY life is music!
If I sing, it's to be heard
When I cry out, it's to defend myself
I'd like to make myself understood
I'd like to go around the world
Before dying and being buried
To see what the rest of the world is like
Around me is war
Fear, hunger, and misery
I'd like for us all to be brothers
That's why we're on this earth
I'm not just a popular singer
I'm nothing but perfectly ordinary woman
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Don JuanDon Juan
   Sat, 10/12/2016 - 12:41

The base lyrics have been slightly altered, please check if your translation needs any update.