Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
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Öyle uzaktan seviyorum seni şiir

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sana söylemek istediğim her kelimeyi
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damla damla dökülürken kelimelerim
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I Love You From Afar

I love you from afar
without being able to smell your scent
to embrace your nape
to feel your face
I merely love you
from afar, I just love you
not holding your hand
without touching your heart
nor dissolving in your eyes
in spite of today’s three-day love fads
not wildly but like a man, I love you
I just love you from afar
without wiping off the two tears running down your cheeks
not joining you in your heartiest laughs
nor crooning together with you your most favorite song
from afar, I just love you
without disappointing,
not pouring out anything
without destroying
not making sad,
nor causing a cry, I love you from afar
I just love you like that from afar;
by shredding in my tongue
every word I want to tell you
I love you
I love you on a white piece of paper
while my words fall down, drop by drop…