• Ziyoou Vachi

    く・ち・づ・け → English translation

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曖昧、きみとの境目 アンド タイムラインそんなに大事じゃない
再会、待ち侘びて ひとりじゃ とびっきりダウト、だいぶアウト
大体は会いたい気持ちが 先走るばっかでおざなり
鈴なりになってく不安 蹴散らしタッチアウト きみの体温
ヘッドライト テールライト はぐれそうなシティライト
手さぐりで 繋がり合い 未来、まだ判んない
「レッツトライ」「オールライト」暗がりにキャッツアイ 光り
退屈脱ぎ捨てた ふたり
キス キス キス 分かち合えたつもり?
キス キス キス 判らない その先は 言わないで まだ KEEP
キス キス キス 判り合えたつもり?
キス キス キス 計れない どれほどか したい、
かなりシンクオブユーな くちづけ
アイロニー ドライぶったふたりが ロマンスにとろけて形なし
まだまだ台無しにしたい シャットアウトマウス シャットダウン
再開重ねてく次第に さみしさを忘れたみたい
鈴なりになってる期待 さあてどこへ行こう、どこへ帰ろう
ヘッドライト テールライト はぐれそうなシティライト 光り
キス キス キス 分かち合えたつもり
キス キス キス 判らない その先は 言わないで まだ KEEP
キス キス キス 判り合えたつもり
キス キス キス 思い出すあの日々を ふたり
かなりシンクオブユーな くちづけ
サーチライトはムーンライト そして あなたのブラックアイ
祈るばかりのミッドナイト どうか神様お願い
花に囲まれ そっと 息を殺して微笑うあの人に
安らかな眠りを どうか、どうか
グッドバイ グッドナイト

K - I - S - S

With you, the lines are so blurred, and the timeline of how it'll all go down hardly matters
I'm waiting impatiently for the next time we'll see each other, here all by myself; this extraordinary doubt is so out of bounds1
This feeling of "I want to see you", it's so recklessly forward of me
My anxiety is overflowing; this touch, your warmth, it's got me wrecked2
Headlight, tail light, I'm losing sight of the city lights
Fumbling and clumsy, our connection, I still don't know what'll come next
"Let's try", "All right", a cat's eye gleams in the darkness
We stripped down out of our boredom, the two of us
Was it the plan for us to have shared a kiss, kiss, kiss?
Kiss, kiss, kiss; I don't get it, what comes next? No, don't tell me, keep the secret still
Were we meant to understand each other when we kiss, kiss, kissed?
Kiss, kiss, kiss; I can't even measure how much I want it,
A "thinking of you" kiss3
Acting like it's ironic, like it's just business between us, we're spoiling our romance4
I don't want to ruin it yet; mouths locked up tight, shut down all night
Restarting over and over again, like I keep forgetting how sad I was
My hope is overflowing, look, let's go anywhere, let's come back to any place at all
Headlights, taillights, let these straying city lights shine down on me
You're the only one I trust, the only one I see5
Kiss, kiss, kiss; the plan was for us to have shared something
Kiss, kiss, kiss, I don't know what'll happen next-- oh, don't tell me, keep it a secret still
Kiss, kiss, kiss; I meant for us to have understood each other
Kiss, kiss, kiss, let's remember the time we had together, the two of us
Such a "thinking of you" kiss
The searchlight shining down is our moonlight, and then, I see your black eye6
At midnight, I prayed with all my might; please, God above
Flower petals gently surround me; that person who smiles breathlessly--
Let them sleep tight, please, please
Goodbye, goodnight
  • 1. I put 'out of bounds' because that seemed closest; what it literally says is "tobikkiri dauto, daibu auto" (exceptional/best DOUBT, greatly OUT). I took 'OUT' here in the meaning of being 'OUT' in a game. As is often the case in translation, you just have to take these lines with a grain or two of ~imagination~.
  • 2. What the last part literally says is "kicking around + TOUCH OUT + your warmth". What exactly 'touch out' is supposed to mean isn't exactly clear, so like the second verse, there's plenty of wiggle room in here for your own interpretation. Have fun with it!
  • 3. Literally what it says is "kanari shinkuobuyuu-na kuchizuke" (pretty/quite a bit + THINK OF YOU- [suffix that turns phrase into an adjective] + kiss). You might be thinking at this point, 'Seems like there's a pattern forming here with the ambiguous English phrases'. And you would be right! I tried my best on all of them but any suggestions or corrections would be appreciated.
  • 4. What the first section says here is "aironii- dorai butta futari" (IRONY + DRY + put on airs (of) + two people/us two). In reading this, think of all the different possible meanings of dry in English. In Japanese it can also refer to dry humor, detachment or being unemotional/cold, etc. Basically what the speaker is talking about is acting like there's nothing between her and the object of her affection, it's just a 'dry', detached exchange.
  • 5. I wasn't sure what 'mitari' was supposed to mean here. Pretty sure it's from 見る (miru), to see/watch. If anyone knows what it means here, let me know!
  • 6. The final round of translation charades for this song. What is literally says is "sa-chiraito wa mu-nraito soshite anata no burakkuai" (SEARCHLIGHT [is*] MOONLIGHT + and then/lastly + your + BLACK EYE). [* = 'wa' doesn't necessarily mean 'is', it is a particle that just shows what the next part of the sentence is referring to. Think of it as an arrow like this , <--, linking one idea or sentence segment to the other. Disclaimer that I'm not a Japanese expert so please don't kill me for any mistakes here, this is just my general understanding of it.] Once more with feeling: 'Searchlight is moonlight, and then your black eye'. What that means is really up to you.