• Árstíðir

    Ljóð í sand → English translation

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Poetry In The Sand

By the long coast, staring into space
She thinks for a long time, far too much
And as time goes by, so many things change
Things that nobody had ever foreseen
The next night, on our way home
We didn't notice
The heavy clouds rumbling above.
The tide rises
And I write in the dark sand
Your poems and my secrets
So many hours going by
She can feel the pain then, far too much.
She holds out her hands, one token gesture
And she weeps without ever getting any answer
The next night, on my way home
I barely noticed
The heavy clouds rumbling above.
The tide rises
And I write in the dark sand
Your poems and my secrets
Original lyrics

Ljóð í sand

Click to see the original lyrics (Icelandic)

Árstíðir: Top 3
BlueBirdBlueBird    Thu, 10/11/2022 - 16:01

The title reminds me of the quote: "My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice, and wait for the sun to show." (Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez)