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  • Marcela Gándara

    Supe Que Me Amabas → traduction en anglais

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I found out you love me

From the beginning when I need you,
From the moment when I lifted my gaze,
Since that day, when I found myself alone,
When you put your glare on me.
I knew you loved me I understood it,
And I knew you wanted more from me
that for a long time you waited and I didn't come,
I knew you loved me, even though I ran away,
Far from your home, I went,
And with one kiss and with love,
And when I was away I felt you,
I knew that you took care of me and I heard you,
Like a whisper was your voice in the silence,
Every day you drew me back to you.
I knew you loved me I understood it,
And I knew you wanted more from me
that for a long time you waited and I didn't come,
I knew you loved me, even though I ran away,
Far from your home, I went,
And with one kiss and with love,
You gifted me your forgiveness ...
I knew you loved me I understood it,
And I knew you wanted more from me
that for a long time you waited and I didn't come,
I knew you loved me, even though I ran away,
Far from your home, I went,
And with one kiss and with love,
You gifted me your forgiveness, I'm here.
And I'm here my sweet Lord,
I am here, dear Savior,
I'm here ... And I'm here.
Paroles originales

Supe Que Me Amabas

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