• Marwan Khoury

    يا رب → traducere în Engleză

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يا رب

:مروان خوري
بعدك حلوة و صرت أحلى
شو ه الصدفة ما في أحلى
و قلبي يشوفك يا ما استحلى
قوليلي كيفك انت
:كارول سماحة
بعدك انت ما بتتغيير
محير لي قلبي و محير
و بعدو قلبك طفل صغير
طمني كيفك انت
:مروان وكارول
مشي نتذكر عا دروب
و يمرجحنا الغرام
ليش بعدنا كيف قدرنا
ننسى هاك الأحلام
يا ليل البعد و ناطرنا
عا مفارق هالإيام
:مروان خوري
يا رب تدوم ايامنا سوى
ويبقى عا طول جامعنا الهوى
يا رب تدوم يا رب تدوم
:كارول سماحة
يا رب نعيد هالحب اللي كان
و احلى بتكتير من بالماضي كمان
يا رب نعيد يا رب نعيد
:مروان خوري
بحب عيونك لما بتحكي
كيف بترسم هاك الضحكة
خلي راسك فوقي يتكي
وإملك هالدنيي كلا
:كارول سماحة
مبارح انت اليوم و بكرا
اشتقتلك ما عندك فكرة
صعبي بعمري تصبح ذكرا
ياللي من الدنيي أغلى
:مروان وكارول
مشي نتذكر عا دروب
و يمرجحنا الغرام
ليش بعدنا كيف قدرنا
ننسى هاك الأحلام
يا ليل البعد و ناطرنا
عا مفارق هالإيام
يا رب تدوم ايامنا سوى
ويبقى عا طول جامعنا الهوى
يا رب تدوم يا رب تدوم
يا رب نعيد هالحب اللي كان
و احلى بتكتير من بالماضي كمان
يا رب نعيد يا رب نعيد

Dear God

you're still beautiful and now even more beautiful than before
What a beautiful coincidence, no coincidence is more beautiful
My heart always loved seeing you
Tell me how are you?
you're still the same and you never change
and your heart is still like a little child
my heart confused me and it got confused itself
Tell me how are you?
Lets remember together
and the love makes us enjoy each other
Why did we drift a way and how could we
forget those days
The night that is still waiting for us
appears to be separate from those days
Dear God, let our days together last
and let us stay together in love
Dear god let it stay forever, let it stay forever (which means let these days stay forever)
Dear God, let us repeat the love that was there once
and live one that was even better than the one we had in the past
Dear God let it us repeat, let us repeat
I love you
I love your eyes when they speak
how they draw that smile (which mean how they draw that smile on your face)
let your head lean on me (which means depend on me, i will protect you)
and i will own the whole world for you
I love you, yesterday, you, today and tomorrow
I miss you, you have no idea
it very difficult that you would become a memory to me ( which means i want you always in my life, not just a memory)
you are more precious that the whole world
Lets remember together
and the love makes us enjoy each other
Why did we drift a way and how could we
forget those days
The night that is still waiting for us
appears to be separate from those days
Dear God, let our days together last
and let us stay together in love
Dear god let it stay forever, let it stay forever
Dear God, let us repeat the love that was there once
and live one that was even better than the one we had in the past
Dear God let it us repeat, let us repeat