• Quruli

    琥珀色の街、上海蟹の朝 → English translation→ English

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Beautiful city  さよならさ マンダリンの楼上
Isn't it a pity beautiful city
目を閉じれば そこかしこに広がる
無音の世界 不穏な未来
耳鳴り 時計の秒針止めて
止まった時計は 夜明け前 5 時
外の空気 君だけのもの
吸うも吐くも自由 それだけで有り難い
実を言うと この街の奴らは義理堅い
ただガタイの良さには 騙されるんじゃない
その理由は 人それぞれ
Beautiful city  さよならさ マンダリンの楼上
Isn't it a pity beautiful city
何はともあれ この街を去った
未来ではなく 過去を漁った
それはそれで 誰よりも輝いてた
ずっと泣いてた 君はプレデター
決死の思いで 起こしたクーデター
もういいよ そういうの
上海蟹食べたい あなたと食べたいよ
上手に割れたら 心離れない  1 分でも離れないよ
上手に食べなよ こぼしても いいからさ
Beautiful city isn't it a pity  路地裏のニャンコ
Beautiful city beautiful city・・・
張り詰めた日々を 溶かすのは
朝焼け前の 君のこころ
両手を広げたら 聴こえてくるよ
外輪船の汽笛 嶺上開花
思い出ひとつじゃ やり切れないだろう
上海蟹食べたい 一杯ずつ食べたいよ
上手に食べても 心ほろ苦い
あなたと食べたいよ 上手に割れたらいいな

Amber Colored City, The Morning of The Shanghai Crab

Beautiful city, beautiful city, Goodbye, Mandarin's pinnacle
Isn't it a pity, beautiful city
Close your eyes, and spreading out in every direction
A world of silence, a disconcerting future
Ringining in my ears, I stop the clock's second hand
Ram my thoughts into the Tokarev In my heart and blast them out
The crack in the windowpane
Gloomy, clouded days from my past have smashed and shattered
The clock stopped at 5, before the crack of dawn
The air outside is yours alone
Free to breath, that's something to be grateful for
The people of this city are loyal
But don't be fooled by theur strong physique
They are weak, just like you
The reasons are different for each of us
All bending backwards to hang on in
I can see this city is nearing it's end
But I'm on your side
Beautiful city Beautiful city Goodbye, Mandarin's pinnacle
Isn't it a pity, beautiful city
Anyhow, I left the city
Went back into the past, not the future
You were always looking to the day after next
And that's why you always shined the brightest
Crying nonstop, you're the predator
You starred a coup d'état, prepared to die
But enough of that now
Because you're no longer alone
I want to eat Shanghai crab, I want to eat it with you
If it splits right,our hearts will never be apart, not even for a minute
Eat it well, it doesn't matter if you make a mess
Beautiful city, beautiful city, isn't it a pity the cat in the alley
Beautiful city, beautiful city・・・
Only your heart before the sunrise glows
Can melt the tense build up of days
Open your arms wide and you will hear it
The whistle on a paddle steamer,
King's tile draw
Wrap your heart in satin
A steamed dumpling isn't enough
One memory alone, can never see you through
I want to eat Shanghai crab, one crab at a time
Eat it well, but my heart is bittersweet
I want to eat it with you, I hope we split it right
We will see this long night through
Amber colored city
Amber colored city
margarinnmargarinn    Fri, 14/07/2023 - 11:03

Thank you for the translation! i enjoyed to sing the song so much! too much even. but i can't help to notice that there's some mistranslation or miswriting on the last few bits of the song. in the transliteration #1 the last two lines of the lyric, the repeated "Kohakushoku no machi" is kind of wrong and is supposed to be "Kohaku iro no machi". it's a minor thing but it keep bothering me. i'll be thankful if it fixed soon, thank you!