• Ramón Ayala

    Dos Monedas

    traducción al Inglés

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Two coins

I'm the unhappiest one in the world
And this vice is to blame
The wife I had, left me
Now I'm also losing my son
He never knew what a real father was
Because I was drunk all the time
While he was begging in the streets
So that I could continue drinking
One night, it pelted down
The poor boy came to where I was
And said "I'm sorry daddy
Today I couldn't get any money,
I'm really hungry and really cold
Please don't scold me today"
But I, blind with rage,
Beat him until I nearly killed him
And I said to him "You are going back to the street
I don't plan on keep putting up with you
You no longer have neither a home nor a father
Unless you bring back money so I could keep on drinking"
The poor bow went out, shivering with cold
And crying because of what I had just told him
While I stayed at home, narcotized
Only God knows how much I cursed him
Alcohol and drowsiness took over me
I woke up almost by dawn
And when I opened the house's main door
I couldn't believe what I was seeing
There was my son, lying down
He died of starvation and cold
In his hand I found two coins
He brought them to buy more liquor
But since I was drunk I couldn't hear him knocking
And like that, the poor boy died into oblivion
Because I was a drunkard, I lost my son
And the wife I loved so much
That's why I want to ask to all parents
Not to hurt their sons in any way
Maybe God gave me this punishment
Because I threw myself into the path of vice
Letra original

Dos Monedas

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