• Kino

    Это не любовь → traducción al Inglés

  • 13 traducciones
    +12 más
    , Alemán, Checo, Croata, Francés, Inglés #1, #2, Italiano, Polaco, Rumano, Transliteración #1, #2, Turco
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It is not love

You often walk by, without noticing me,
With somebody else, I stand there breathless.
I know that you live close by,
You walk with no haste, with no haste...
Oh, but it is not love...
And at night I stand under your window,
You water your flowers, water your flowers.
And until it gets dark I stay with burning desire,
And it's because of you, because of you...
Oh, but it is not love...
Teach me all that you know,
I want to know it and know how to do it.
Make it so all my dreams come true,
I can't wait any longer, I could die...
Oh, but it is not love...
Letra original

Это не любовь

Letras de canciones (Ruso)
