• Saad Lamjarred

    كتناديني → traducción al Inglés

  • 8 traducciones
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You call me

Look by look word by word step by step and my heart is gone
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
I want you
I gave you my soul
I have no one but you
I sang for you
I found that you're hurt
I've been waiting for a long time and I haven't found an answer
Look by look word by word step by step and my heart is gone
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
My love for you is getting bigger
It is growing by the days
No time will ever change me
Let them talk
Let the clouds disappear
Our relationship is remaining forever
Look by look word by word step by step and my heart is gone
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
You call me from far away
I'm standing in my place and I can't make another step
Letra original


Letras de canciones (Árabe)

Por favor, ayuda a traducir "كتناديني"
sada1009sada1009    Lun, 07/08/2017 - 02:59

Excellent!! I'm really Impresed. Thank you so much. What Sound Does 9 refers to? Greeds from Venezuela!

   Vie, 22/12/2017 - 20:39

Hello thank you very much for the positive feedback I really appreciate it! In Arabic we have letters that don't have their correspondent in the English Alphabet so we substitute them with numbers when we write Arabic in SMS language we use numbers like 9,7,3. I hope my answer helps if you need anything else just leave me a message I'll be more than glad to help :)