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It's Always Cold

This heart, that still loves you
Is now dying, day after day,
Like the light of day dies
I can't go on anymore, I miss you
Come back to me, soul of my soul,
My love
Where are you?
Where are you?
Kill me, sky. Swallow me, earth.
I want to die if you don't come back again
You can have the whole world now
And within your hands all of the good fortune
And another love better than mine
But you will see soon, that everything is over
And just seeing you, how I feel today,
It's always cold
Where are you?
Where are you?
Kill me, sky. Swallow me, earth.
I want to die if you don't come back again
Letra original

Siempre Hace Frio

Letras de canciones (Español)

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