• Rolando Villazón

    Je crois entendre encore → Übersetzung auf Englisch→ Englisch

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Je crois entendre encore

Je crois entendre encore,
Caché sous les palmiers,
Sa voix tendre et sonore
Comme un chant de ramiers.
Ô, nuit enchanteresse,
Divin ravissement,
Ô, souvenir charmant,
Folle ivresse, doux rêve !
Aux clartés des étoiles,
Je crois encore la voir
Entrouvrir ses longs voiles
Aux vents tièdes du soir.
Ô, nuit enchanteresse,
Divin ravissement,
Ô, souvenir charmant,
Folle ivresse, doux rêve !
Charmant souvenir !

I think I still hear

I think I still hear,
hidden under palm trees,
her voice soft and sweet
like a song of the forest.
Oh, night of enchantment,
divine bliss,
oh, sweet memory,
insane intoxication, sweet dream!
In the clear starlight,
I think I still see her,
in the movement of the gentle sway of tall sails
in the soft night breeze.
Oh, night of enchantment,
divine bliss,
oh, sweet memory,
insane intoxication, sweet dream!
sweet memory!
Rolando Villazón: Top 3
michealtmichealt    Mi, 29/03/2017 - 14:28

Stanza 1 last line: although "ramiers" could mean "branches and boughs chopped from trees before they are neatly lined up" I don't think that it means that here, and even if it did I don't see how that could be called "forest". So it's probably better to stick to "doves" or "pigeons" (columba palumbus), which is the most common meaning (in South West France, columba palumbus is mostly called "colombe" rather than "ramier"; in the rest of France and in Belgium it's called "ramier").
Stanza 3 line 2: "encore" qualifies "crois" not "voir" so the line means "I still think I see her" rather than "I think I still see her".
Stanza 3 line 3: those "tall sails" and "long veils" or "long robes". "Entrouvrir" means "ouvrir en fendant" - something like "drawing apart".

   Do, 27/07/2017 - 21:41

Translation source removed because user indicates that the translation was done by them.