• Litanie des saints • Goin' Back to New Orleans

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Litanie des saints lyrics

Ero mante te que le mama damba la metres
Ero mante te que le papa damba la moi ido
Ero mante te que le mama Santa Maria
Ero mante te que le mama
Ero mante te que le papa
Doce goche goche que le mama mama oceon
Ero mante te que le mama yia malia
Ero mante te que le papa obea obea
Ero mante te que le mama ooh bacalia
Ero mante te que le mama
Ero mante te que le papa
Doce goche goche que le mama sambeau sambeau


Please help to translate "Litanie des saints"
andrew6andrew6    Sun, 03/02/2019 - 22:59

The song is in a Creole dialect of French, besides Louisiana, Dr. John had an interest in Voodoo and in Haitian traditions. So the song may incorporate aspects of Caribbean Creole dialects. Listening carefully to the song, some of the lyrics are phonetically different from the way they were transcribed. Transcription is not quite correct phonetically. Maybe ask Louisiana residents or Haitians if they can make sense of it. The title of the song is straight-up French but I don't know where Dr. John got this dialect from