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    Tonton du Bled → English translation

  • 2 translations
    English #1, #2
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Homeland's uncle

Heavy 504 estate car , come on nephews , get in
Just wait a minute while I'm putting the big blue trunk on the rooftop
As numerous as a soccer team , the car is at ground level
We're the last tenants leaving
Filling up with diesel oil & lemonade , not to give out
Bilel , go piss while I'm shopping a little
Direction : the harbour , two days seated
All the way to Marseille with a quite rickety car
Then 24 hours in the boat , I know it's not easy
But I'm going to have a freaking good time on the Guido place
In Bejaia city , from the top of my mountain
Before going back home , I take a little turn in Oran
Since I cleant out the whole Tati shop in Paris ,
I'm going to make the whole village happy , even the kids
Some clothes & jewelry for the newly weds
& Toys in a mess for the babies
{ Chorus }
I wanted to stay in the ghetto , but my father said me - No no no
In this instance , let me take all my friends - No no no
So in one week , I'm going back to Vitry - No no no
I'll go end my life over there - Yeah yeah yeah
I'm on the Boulemat beach with my cousin & his tomtom
Holding a glass of Selecto in my hand , Coca's imitation
A drop of olive oil on my body , on my arms
With my friend , listening to Zahouania
We talk about nothing & everything , from Nike air trainers to Visa ,
From the desert's crossing to Yema's good couscous
Then my cousin says me "Karim do you deal drugs ?"
It tasted so good that I gave him up the shoe polish I had left
With a bunch of old hats , we're discussing
Mahmoud can't prevent himself from telling them that I'm into music
One of them says me "I've never seen you on TV"
& Another asks me "Is it true that you know Michael Jackson ?"
They talk too fast , & they speak some out of date slang
I know what they could do for a fistful of dinars , as*hole
The sun sets & eveybody goes back home
It's the dinner time , beer time & for some others , chicha time
I spent a good month in what they call the third-world
& If I had enough money , I would leave taking everyone with me
But I can't close my eyes over what's going on , really
I dedicate this track to the people we miss , children & mothers
Then I ran away to my ghetto
Happy to see my friends & my girlfriend
For two weeks , all that I ate was chorba
I'll go end my life there , insha Allah .
Original lyrics

Tonton du Bled

Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Idioms from "Tonton du Bled"