• Alex C.

    Doktorspiele → Übersetzung auf Englisch→ Englisch

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would u be my slave tonight
untill the darkness turns to light
i love you like the stars above
i no there is a place 4 us
let me lock you up in chains
posien running though my vains
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor speile
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor spiele
i want to be your sex slave dealer
play with me my doktor spiele
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor spiele
you got me eleicfied
shock me once or shock me twice
better get down on your knees
come on endless play with me
baby start excamning me
baby start excamning me
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor spiele
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor spiele
want to be your sex dealer
play with me my doktor spiele
let me b your sexual healer
play with me my doktor spiele


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Bitte hilf mit, „Doktorspiele“ zu übersetzen
SteenaSteena    Fr, 30/10/2009 - 12:15

You are somewhat close to the real meaning of "Doktorspiele" it's used for young children (not yet teens) experimenting with each other's body, discovering it and - that's where the name comes from - acting like doctors.