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You have to cross seven bridges

Sometimes I walk along my street without looking
Sometimes I wish I had my rocking horse back
Sometimes I never stop for a rest
Sometimes I lock all the doors behind me
Sometimes I’m cold and sometimes hot
Sometimes I no longer know what I know
Sometimes I’m already tired in the morning
And then I seek comfort in a song
You have to cross seven bridges
Endure seven dark years
Seven times you will be the ashes
But once also the bright light
Sometimes the clock of life seems to stand still
Sometime it seems you’re always going around in circles
Sometimes you’re ill as from wanderlust
Sometimes you just sit quietly on a bench
Sometimes you reach out for the whole world
Sometimes you think that your lucky star is falling
Sometimes you take, although you’d prefer to give
Sometimes you hate that which you really love.
You have to cross seven bridges
Endure seven dark years
Seven times you will be the ashes
But once also the bright light
You have to cross seven bridges
Endure seven dark years
Seven times you will be the ashes
But once also the bright light
You have to cross seven bridges
Endure seven dark years
Seven times you will be the ashes
But once also the bright light

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